
Khazarian mafia takedown is accelerating, making them dangerously desperate

It is no longer good enough to passively blog about the mass murdering fascist cabal that is seizing power in the West, it is time to take direct action. This writer is going to put his life where his word is by going at noon, Japan Standard Time on November 24th, 2015* to confront senior…


Paris psy-ops is part of ongoing moves towards world government

The giant psychological warfare operation, where “ISIS terrorists” allegedly killed over a hundred people in Paris, on Friday the 13th, November, 2015, was just part of ongoing horse trading towards a world government. To understand this, let us look at some key events surrounding the events in Paris. First of all, the fact that thousands…


Israeli Nazionist regime doomed as fuhrer Bush negotiates surrender

George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist faction are negotiating surrender, according to CIA sources. The Nazionist regime of Benyamin Netanyahu is also doomed, as are their Saudi proxies. The storm of information poured out by the Internet, the new Guttenberg Press, has made a critical mass of people aware of the enormous crimes of George…


High level secret negotiations continue as rogue state Israel’s military put under air and sea blockade

The rogue state of Israel has been put under an “electromagnetic cordon sanitaire,” meaning that its military airplanes are grounded and its warships are unable to leave their ports, according to Pentagon officials. The blockade has now been intensified because US military and Russian government sources agree an Israeli F16 jet fighter flying out of…