Great Victory For Humanity As European Royals Reject Rothschilds

Major developments have been taking place behind the scenes recently as both the British Royals and the P3 Freemasons have declared war against the Rothschild family and the Swiss-based Octagon group, MI6 and P3 sources say. The liberation of the Jewish people being held hostage in Israel is also underway, Mossad sources say.  When the…

The CCP Turned 100 Last Week, the USA Turned 245

Last week on its 100th anniversary the Chinese communist party bragged about its success.  At the same time, U.S. patriots gathered on July 4th for their 245th Independence Day celebration.  While the U.S. may seem down and out now, rest assured as soon as they remove the Khazarian Mafia parasitic infection, as the Chinese did in the late…

As Victory Nears White Hats Plan Yalta Type Conference

Victory in the battle for Planet Earth is now within the grasp of the White Hats.  For that reason, a Yalta-type conference is being planned for this autumn to determine exactly how to manage the transition to a new age, according to multiple sources involved.  Participants in the conference will include representatives from the Dragon…

People from Around the World Coming Together

Hi Benjamin! In 1999, my husband and I, along with several ‘top notch’ local champions – including our current MPP (Vic Fedeli) – submitted a proposal for Millenium Funds from the Federal Gov’t in Canada for a project we originally called The Smiles Puzzle- intended to be the world’s Largest Jigsaw Puzzle.   In short, people…

Summer Solstice Turning Point as Military-Industrial Complex Takes on Medical Industrial Complex

A fundamental sea change has taken place at the highest levels of world power on or around June 21st, 2021.  The world’s military and intelligence agencies have decided to treat the ongoing fake pandemic medical emergency as an act of war and react accordingly.  To quote from MI6: “We know the whole Covid thing is…