The secret history of the financial war for control of the planet earth (Prewritten)

Weekly raw news and video feed at the end of the report. Since many people have only recently discovered there is a secret financial war going on for the planet earth, we have decided to provide a summary as we start our annual sabbatical. This year it will be in the Japanese alps and only…

Reality TV pretending to be Presidential election signals end of US Corporation

A man in drag wearing a silicon mask and a reality TV actor are being presented to the American people as presidential candidates. No wonder 80% of US citizens think their country is “spiraling out of control.” This visual representation of US debt shows why the show is going to have to end. Welcome…

Stealing elections and installing a fake king does not change reality

The Khazarian Mafia’s “rules-based world order” is staging a desperate offensive to stay in power and avoid war crimes tribunals. To this end they blatantly stole the UK election and installed blackmailed pedophile Keir Starmer as Prime Minister, MI6 sources say. The next phase will be to try to install either Michelle “Big Mike” Obama…

Biden Trump debate psy-ops causes Kool Aid drinkers’ heads to explode

In a military-grade psychological warfare operation equivalent to a nuclear bomb, the so-called debate between US President Donald Trump and fake President Joe Biden destroyed the entire Democratic Party paradigm. This caused brainwashed Kool-Aid drinkers believing Joe Biden was actually president to freak out big time. Since this is all over the blogosphere we will…