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Below you can find links where you can buy a book written by Nebojsa Stanisic, a person with deep experience in the intelligence world. Among other things, the book contains raw intelligence involving very real threats to use nuclear weapons against such places as Rome, London, and Jerusalem.
Two Feather Says ~ Pray for me Please Now goes to a jury trial after 6 months, for false charges from the “Dark Side.” Hanging over his head is 10 to 20 years in a Federal Penitentiary. This is a final request to those who have compassion for this Native American Healer and Spiritual Adviser…
Special notice: A bounty of one ton of gold has been placed on Elon Musk and Peter Thiel of Paypal. The bounty has been placed because they are abusing their electronic payments system to suppress truth. This writer, along with many real-world journalists, has been a victim of their attacks. The gold can be collected…
Ben’s WDS colleague has created a “Covid19 Prevention & Health Recovery Guide” and comprehensive Health Course to help everyone harmed – your support is much appreciated! Your FREE CV19 HEALTH GUIDE is now available! Be prepared for more “variants” or the next “pandemic.” Doctors from around the world have published the most effective strategies and…
A personal Thank you from a WDS member. “Thank you for your recent donation and kind words of support. Outlander received his formal medical education in the USA. He has also received training from Native American traditional healers, and Tibetan Buddhist monks. His philosophy is to heal human ailments as quickly as possible, as this…
講師:板垣英憲✖︎ベンジャミン・フルフォード 日時:2017年10月24日(火) 料金:5000円 場所:ヒカルランドパーク 現在、新作『天皇陛下の勅命を果たす小沢一郎総理大臣 最強の同志 キッシンジャー 小池百合子 前原誠司』(仮題) を準備中の板垣英憲氏は、 今回の選挙結果を踏まえて、日本政界の深層的な行方を語り、 フルフォード氏は、 世界の先端情報から見た日本の行方を 大きく語っていただきます! 超ホットなテーマでお送りする このチャンスをお見逃しなく! ご参集、こころよりお待ちしております! 13:00~~14:20板垣英憲 14:40~~16:00ベンジャミン・フルフォード 16:20~~17:50板垣英憲vsベンジャミン・フルフォード