Francis to be last Pope as Catholic Church goes bankrupt
It really is getting biblical. The Roman Catholic Church is headed for bankruptcy, meaning the rubber-masked fake Francis will be the last Pope, Mexican government sources and news reports say.
This will open up a very deep rabbit hole.
The church is going bankrupt because Christians in Latin America and Africa now know the current Vatican leadership worships Lucifer. For this reason, they have stopped donating money to it.
At the same time, the church is being forced to pay billions of dollars in compensation for the systematic rape and abuse of children by clergy around the world. They will have no choice but to sell off their real estate holdings (churches around the world) to pay for it.
Also, now that First Nations around the world are also suing it, even this will not be enough to pay for their crimes. This means they will be dissolved after being in business for about 1700 years,
The fact the church has no money also means they have lost control of the Vatican Bank, the former controlling nexus of the world’s central banks and the UN. That is why the dollar has lost over 30% of its purchasing power against gold in the past year.
The implications of this will astound people because it will mean all the lies we have been told about our history will be uncovered. It will also mean the end of the fraudulent Gregorian and Jewish calendars.
The Iranians point out that the Chabad Jewish to Gregorian calendar converter only goes back to 1601, making a mockery of their claim this is the year 5784 in the Jewish calendar.
“During the conference in 1666, the Sabbateans decided to create a new calendar. The new calendar was designed in such a way that the 17th of Tammuz of 5426 coincides with the [Satanic date of] 20th of July of 1666. Therefore, they had to create two new calendars – the Israeli and Gregorian calendars.” Iranian sources say.
To understand our calendar is fake, think about this: September, October, November and December mean the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th months.
A visible example of how the European Jews have been brainwashed and fooled by the Satanists is the fact they put on a skull cap of submission and pray to the wall of a fortress built by the Roman destroyers of the nation of Judea. This is to fool them into thinking they have to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque and trigger a holy war with Muslims in order to rebuild their temple.
The fact is the original site of the temple is nowhere near the Mosque so, the Jews could rebuild their temple tomorrow without picking a fight with the Muslims if they wished.
These lies are all being used to try to manipulate us into fighting and destroying each other instead of looking at our secret controllers.
MI6 for its’ part sent us what amounts to the deathbed confession of Karen Hudes, the former chief lawyer for the World Bank. Hudes worked directly with the Pharaonic Octagon group leaders who used fraudulent bonds from the 1930’s to claim control over the global financial system. According to her, they told her our history is fake and that Jesus, Aristotle, Plato, etc. all lived in the Middle Ages. She died shortly after posting this video.
We cannot confirm the stuff about Jesus and Aristotle but, we do have our own evidence the history we are taught is full of lies. A friend of my mothers’ –who was a cousin of the writer Aldous Huxley- was an archaeologist who uncovered evidence of Portuguese and Spanish colonies in Newfoundland that predated Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” of America by centuries. You would think this would have made headlines around the world but, instead, her work was suppressed by the Jesuits and the Catholic Church. This is the tip of the iceberg of fake history.
As WEF puppet Yuval Noah Harari says:
“Most information is junk. Most of it is lies, fake news, conspiracy theories, delusions, illusions because this is very cheap and easy to produce.”
Remember, Satan is the father of all lies. I can also confirm that the black pope Peter Hans Kolvenbach took credit for the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear attack on Japan and claimed at the time he worked for Satan. The lie put out was that this was a “natural disaster.”
This is all about to come out because, according to MI6:
There is a crackdown on the global compromise and control (blackmail) network run by The Jesuits but essentially Swiss Octagon – they go by various names but essentially the same bunch of pharaonic bloodlines who seem to deem themselves as rulers of the world. This is very widely known inside the military intelligence community as you know.
In one example of this move against the bloodlines, Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II last week “fell down” and suffered “damage around the neck vertebrae as well as a fracture of the left hand,” causing her to cancel her public engagements.
This blackmail network is now being revealed to the Western public through the arrest of the rapper Diddy. As one example of the panic this arrest is causing, the actress Megan Fox tried to delete online posts she made such as saying “I was a teenaged demon possessed cannibalistic cheerleader. Who can’t relate to that?”
Many of these “celebrities” have already been arrested and have had their property seized. This is the executive order for this:
As more evidence, here is a list of celebrities who had property seized and auctioned off:
Multiple sources say this is part of a takedown of this blackmail network that will lead directly to Barack Obama, the former controller of the fake Joe Biden.
This is not going to be a cakewalk by any means. CIA sources warn. Commander in Chief Donald Trump has assembled a million-man army inside the United States to
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