Dear Loyal Subscribers,
It has come to our attention that there are several accounts on telegram stealing Ben’s identity and attempting defraud individuals of their hard earned money via Crypto Scams and Gold Trump Coin Scams. We are currently working with legal entities to charge the individuals responsible.
Please do not ,under any circumstance, send money to Ben unless it is for a subscription or via donation through THIS SITE ONLY.
The fraudulent accounts are as follows.
Please be aware their are likely more accounts we have not found yet. Below is the ONLY official Benjamin Fulford Telegram Channel. We currently only post updates about when our posts go live. In the next coming weeks we will be upgrading our channel to include exclusive posts that may or not be posted on the site.
This is the telegram link to Join: @benjaminfulfordofficial
If you have any questions, or are confused about how to join, please email us at