Letters to the Editor
Anon: I have wondered why Musk interviews literally flood
Anon: I have wondered why Musk interviews literally flood
“When western scholars first examined society in India, they struggled to locate the “Hindu” religion. The western monotheistic template simply could not be made to fit the complex spiritual reality of gurus, gods and goddesses and temples and shrines on almost every street corner. So they eventually admitted that India possessed not a religion in…
Greetings from Australia, Ben: Thank you so much for the narrative you provide us with on a weekly basis and for your direct involvement in the demise of “malevolents” by attempting to bring equality to those presently incarnated on this beautiful planet. The pictures below are of a naturally occurring phenomenon that usually occurs at…
The video of “UFOs Around the Sun” is now ready. https://d.tube/#!/v/tell-me-a-vision/wmxqzek1 I’ve chosen to use the Steemit version of YouTube because there’s less chance the video will be removed. Speaking of Steemit, I’ve noticed you have not updated your blog in awhile. I hope you decide to come back soon. The video quality turned out…
On 2018/10/19, Robert David Steele wrote: I have gotten several messages like this: WARNING: While RDS reports (being quoted widely) of “received information” that both the King of SA and MBS are dead and represented by impostors, the giver of said information, Benjamin Fulford, is notorious for reporting people dead who are still walking around,…
“Babies that gestate apart from a mother’s womb will have no emotional or psychic connection with her. This plan is the wetdream of the transhumanists and must never happen because it will produce parentless humans without the natural development of normal healthy motherly love. They will always feel detached from humanity and open to cold,…
Enough of your bullshit already. America is not indebted, period. It is the most ripped-off nation of all time. We know about the Pope and the Queen’s governmental services corporations. China is a worthless secondary creditor to those foreign-owned, bankrupt corporations. The national debt is the national credit that is owed to the American People,…