Letters to the Editor

Today‘s report raises the following for me.
  1.  The Container monster vid is painfully obvious as a piece of fear porn. It is too slick and its concept unbelievable: no port employee can become the main actor or whistleblower in this professsionally created vid.  Who paid for it? It is animated.  Did the dock worker pay for that?
It accomplishes generating fear that our ports are not being monitored well at all – the vid tells of a long period of
these mysterious and unchallenged arrivals.
It reveals that huge, smelly and fearless alien/monsters are being allowed in to our country and never caught, their destinations somehow not discoverable.
        2.  It is not clear why bankrupting one corporation cannot be followed by creating another one to replace it.  Bankrupting the US has happened several times and the corp. structure for the US gov. always remains.
         3.  Also, why does creating the US of N America mean the end of the Fed?
or nationalizing banks or ending the Catholic church?
George W. and the corrupt presidents of Canada and Mexico signed a treaty “creating” the US of N America without the permission of the people of any of the 3 countries.
This treaty was not done by presidents of the 3 nations but by presidents of the corporations claiming to be those nations lawful governments.
Similarly, Trump won a job as president of a corporation.
There has to be a true election free of the control of the British/Vatican/D.C. triad.
These crooks created the plan for a unified NA continent.
THEY and their corrupt banking system are doing it to enrich themselves and enslave us.
I respectfully expect that you would know this.
The George W. standin is very unconvincing.
The container report I linked to may have contained some disinformation but there can be no doubt off the grid containers are being used for human trafficking and other nefarious purposes.
As far as bankrupting the US Corporation is concerned it means a fundamental change of ownership away from the Satanic Octagon group and into the hands of the citizens of North America. Event will prove things will be different this time. Humanity is about to be freed from millenia of slavery..

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