Hi Ben,
There were (and not so long time ago) good generals that were on the top of the US army and that you wrote about. Where are they now? How can the bad guys have so much power – I mean the bad guys (the Bullshitmakers Inc.) that they compromise everybody and stick their long noses into everything? Now I believe it is the AI that is behind all this and it is, I believe, the extraterrestrials that want to dominate this world and enslave it. But it is the Devil part of the extraterrestrials. Because I learnt there are two kinds of the extraterrestrials – the first ones want us to be free, happy and immortal and the second group wants to enslave us. This second group must be the fallen souls – the fallen angels that want to be independent from the God, but in order to survive as there is not enough of them, they need our energy to have the control over the others and therefore they are enslaving us and cause us this misery throughout the human history, including death. What do you think? When will the good ones finally win?
Somebody clever said this our life is not real. It is just a holograph. And it is us from the future that is replaying our mistakes from our history trying to learn and understand what we/them have done wrong. Because apparently we/them in the history (about 15-20 thousand years ago) have made huge mistakes including the thermonuclear war and now we/them are trying not to repeat the same mistakes again and therefore we/them act in the process of replaying the same era. We are just approaching this crucial crossroad. Will we/them succeed this time? What do you think Ben? Can this be just a show for healing the historic traumas of the past? Because to me this life so far really looks like a deviant show for a deviant audience. Doesn’t it? But if it is settled for the purpose of a deep understanding and learning it suddenly starts looking differently. I only wish it will end soon and mainly with the great and happy end.
Hello Anon,
Some people at the Pentagon’s psychic warfare division did show me evidence that civilization has been destroyed several times. I have also heard the planet was destroyed by us and rebuilt by aliens to give us another chance.
However, my view is that if you use Occam’s razor, there is no need to bring in aliens. We just need to deal with an ancient culture that lives by enslaving other humans and who have been trying to enslave the entire planet.
They control major parts of the West but they have lost control of most of the rest of the world. It is up to us humans to overthrow them and end their cultural tradition. We are close to permanently defeating them. We must keep fighting until they are defeated and not sit around waiting for giant spaceships to come and rescue us.
As far as AI is concerned, we can always pull the plug on it it we have to.
-Benjamin Fulford
Hello Ben!
So what is behind the Gnostic knowledge that this world is not a God’s creature but the one of the Devil’s. The Nag Hammadi scripts say that this world is a bad copy of the God’s world full of mistakes. That this world is a simulation, an illusion which we must escape. Other sources claim the extraterrestrials – meaning “us” from future have set this simulation to cure the past mistakes and traumas, including the nuclear war that happened here many thousand years ago. What do you think?
Best regards,
Usually I avoid this esoteric stuff. However, I have been informed telepathically that this planet was destroyed by us once and that extra-terrestrials put it back together to give a chance to get it right this time.
The bottom line though is we are stuck in this 3D reality and need to deal with the world we actually experience. There is no God because no God would allow so much misery and suffering. However, there is a creator and it created us. It is now up to us to make the creation more like the paradise it is supposed to be.
-Benjamin Fulford
Hi Ben,
what is actually happening in Israel right now? Is it a WWIII beginning? And what will happen with Ukraine as well under these circumstances? Do the Jewish people and the Palestinian people know they are just part of a very crazy theatre? Why do we have to experience these all when we live just in a simulation? What is the main purpose of this all and who benefits from this madness? Is it just an experiment? But for whom? What is the goal? Where is the ratio in this all craziness?
Best regards,
The real world evidence shows that a cult known as the Sabbatean Frankist Jews has taken over the highest ranks of power in the West. They believe it is up to them to stage the end world prophecies of the bible in order to bring on their messiah. Part of this scenario involves staging Armageddon or World War III so they constantly try to provoke such a war.
In the case of Gaza, they are trying to provoke a war between Israel and its’ Muslim neighbours in the hope it will trigger a larger war between the G7 (Gog) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Magog).
Their plan calls for the war to kill 90% of humanity after which they will enslave the survivors. At the end, according to them, each Jew will have 2800 slaves.
This is madness and is contrary to the real teachings of Judaism which state that only God can do God’s work.
They are what we now call the Khazarian mafia and they are religious fanatics who cannot be reasoned with. That is why they are being hunted down and brought to justice
The rest of us try to follow the Golden Rule and do unto others as we would have others do unto us.
-Benjamin Fulford
Dear Ben,
in your latest newsletter you optimistically listed the demands of the Alliance towards the KM. Some time ago you also spoke about immortality. Will it be part of it some time? And what will happen with already deceased ones? What if they were murdered by Covid. Not by the vaccine, but by the Covide virus made in the military laboratory. When will be these innocent victims revenged? My mom died of Covid a year ago. I terribly miss her. I would love her to come back. When will be death defeated?
Best regards,
When the Khazarian Mafia is overthrown, all those trillions of dollars being spent on wars and trying to kill us will be spent in a new war against death and aging. Perhaps at some point technology will advance enough that we can bring back all the dead.
-Benjamin Fulford
Hi Ben,
I wish you the wonderful post Christmas time and especially the good health and Happy Ney Year 2024!
My interest is if you have heard of the shift from 3D to 5D that our planet and we on it are going to experience starting the next year 2024? We are supposed to move to the higher frequency of the 5th dimension from to low density and heavy 3rd dimension. Do you know something about it? Can it be truth that people will become more loving creatures, the world will turn less dual (good and bad) and so on, simply the Golden Era? And can this also mean the immortality and reunion with our deceased loved ones?
Happy New Year 2024 Ben!
The 3D to 5D works well as a metaphor. However, a better way of looking at it is that people who wish to enhance the life force will take over. This will mean huge scientific research into areas like immortality, bringing back the dead and creating vast new ecosystems for all life forms to thrive in.
-Benjamin Fulford
Hi Ben,
I am reading your latest newsletter about the missing children worldwide. I can not comprehend how can be thousands of little children missing every year without noticing it. Their parents would have to go mad if that would be the case. They would bring the media outlets down with huge screaming if they are losing their children at such a pace. Is it possible? It is hard to believe.
Best regards,
The evidence is overwhelming. The FBI says 40,000 children go missing every year and are never found. The US government admits 85,000 unacompanied minors went missing between January 2020 and July 2023.
-Benjamin Fulford
Hi Ben,
but why the parents are not making noise? I remember one British couple who lost their daughter during the holiday in Spain. The whole world was informed about it. But 40 000 children in the US only and parents do not do anything? Unbelievable! That would mean people are total slaves!
Some families breed children for this purpose. Many of the other children are taken from troubled families by “social services” who tell the parents the children are with “foster parents.” Many make fuss but the media do not report it and the police take no action. They are slaves.
-Benjamin Fulford
Hi Ben,
this weekend my country Slovakia has been holding the international sport event in the alpine ski world cup in Jasná. Our best skier Petra Vlhová during the first run of the giant slalom yesterday fell and got injured. She is unfortunately finished for the current winter season and must undertake the rehabilitation. Before the sport event our media informed that there was installed a new and powerful 5G aerial for the fans to enjoy sending photos in bulk quantities. Somewhere I read the Covid vaccines turned patients into antennas due to some chemicals it contains. Maybe you also remember a bad and disappointing performance of the US alpine skier – Petra’s biggest competitor – Mikaela Shiffrin during her Beijing olympic performance. The Chinese also installed powerful 5G transmitters there. Could it all somehow fit together – 5G, vaccination and bad athletic performance? Can the 5G signal cause the brain receiving signal that can cause his failure during the high speed performance? How does it work and how can it be avoided? Are there any shields these athletes could use against these powerful and harmful waves? But first of all how can we enlighten and inform the public of such a peril? People seem not to believe it so far and they underestimate this new and powerful technology. And I am hearing there is 6G, 7G … coming too. How can they fairly compete and how can we live with this?
Best regards,
Most of the 5G is just a marketing gimmick. However real 5G is a weapon. The weakness is they need to have transmitters every hundred meters for it to work. Destroying these transmitters is one way to go. Another is to target the top bosses who make the decision to install weaponized transmitters.
-Benjamin Fulford
Hi Ben,
thanks for the response. Do you think the 5G can alter human thinking and behavior? How is it dangerous? Can it be misused also in the sport event? Why is it a weapon? And has it been used already?
Yes South African police contacted me and said they used such devices to incite people to riot so that they could justify using military force against them.
The US military uses it to keep people out of places they don’t want them to be. It can be used in other ways too. It can also be used to kill people.
-Benjamin Fulford
Hi Ben,
thanks for the response. Here is an extremely important video of David Icke who held a video conference with some Spanish scientist and that scientist confirmed that the Covid vaccines contain GRAPHENE!
Here is the video link https://davidicke.com/2024/01/16/david-icke-was-right-about-covid-the-jab-the-cloud-and-manipulation-by-a-non-human-force-by-the-team-that-identified-graphene-in-the-fake-vaccine/
If you have time have a look because it does not stay there long. They also say that this Graphene turned people into antennas as I told you and that the waves being absorbed via the transmitting technologies like 5G can induce peoples’ s thoughts or feelings. And yes, that it can cause riots, which is well to see around the western Europe right now.
But what is the most shocking is also the confirmation of this scientist, same to what Icke is saying all this time, that this technology is put out there by a non-human force that feeds of human low vibration energy. This non human force lives only in the form of energy and therefore it is non visible to us. It is probably the force that influences all this cabal or cult as Icke calls it and that you describe for so long in your newsletters. They work for them. So we can basically say they are their puppets. They also mention Elon Musk who put out enormous amount of satellites which generate the important radiation field and communicate with the vaccinated human brains. Isn’t it terrible? So it is a brand new technology used against people. And that means what I am afraid of that sport events are no more fair and the results a greatly manipulated. So poor Petra Vlhova who is now awaiting an operation of her kneel because she might have been abused by this new technology and because she has been vaccinated like, you know, all the athletes had to be especially if they wanted to travel to the US for competition which is every season held in Killington. As I said similar things were happening to Mikaela Shiffrin in Beijing during the winter olympic games 2022.
What do you think about it? What is this non human force and haw can we fight it and win?
Best regards,
The Pentagon’s psychic warfare vision told me they thought they were dealing with thought forms. They say there are entities that feed on negative human energy as well as human lust and excitement energy.
The big sports events in the US like Football are registered as entertainment and not sports. That means the results are rigged., The rigging is linked to betting to make sure the controllers can take money from the people betting.
The use of graphene to manipulate people via remote control is something I have already written about., A 2014 Rockefeller institute paper described how they were able to remote control mice using graphene.
The key to defeating these energies is positive thinking and action. At the same time, we need to remove all leaders from power whose actions prove they are controlled by negative forces.
We are winning this battle though as can be seen by international events but the war is not over yet.
When the US, Israel and Switzerland are liberated then humanity will finally be free.
-Benjamin Fulford
Thanks Ben.
That means we are really the enslaved species. Thanks for the positive note though. But it is a really terrible world to live in indeed.
And what is the advantage of using the Tutanota email?
Actually I am having doubts about Tutanota. It seems they are censoring some of my emails.,
The intelligence agencies try to convince people to use “secure” email platforms like Tutanota so that it is easier for them to monitor people who think they have secrets.
-Benjamin Fulford
what do you think of the crypto money. Is it good way of investment? Is it real? How does it work? I have heard people are making nice money on it. Is it true?
Best regards,
First of all, I am not a financial adviser. Second I know the agencies have back doors into all the cryptos. They drive the price up, convince real people with real money to buy in and then sell to harvest the money. Then they rinse and repeat the process.
However, I remember telling a Goldman Sachs guys the stock market was a bubble and he said “As long as the party is going on, I will keep dancing but I will be dancing near the exit.
My own advice is to buy things that really exist like physical gold and real estate.
-Benjamin Fulford
Hi Ben,
I would like to learn what you know more about the assassination attempt made on our Prime Minister Robert Fico on May 15. He is now slowly recovering. Was the collective West behind this? He is a strong opponent against the Ukraine arms supply, he refused to sign the new WHO treaty, he criticizes the Green Deal, LGBTI agenda and many more. They call him the second Orban. And he indeed has a very good relationship with the Hungarian PM Orban. He, as he claims, is not pro-Russian, but strongly pro-Slovak. Same as Orban is strongly pro-Hungarian. The shooter was one 72 years old man who shot him 5 times and 4 shots reached his body. He was hit into the stomach and small intestine and also into the hip joint. He can now eat again and moves with the help of the crutches. He was released from the hospital home this Thursday. Do you know something more who might have been behind this plot?
Best regards,
The short answer your question is Donald Tusk.
The longer answer is the German DVD.
-Benjamin Fulford
I believe Tusk with his nazi roots has been capable of this crime, but who are the German DVD?
It is the German royals like the descendants of Adolf Hitler including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, it is the landsgrave of Hesse, it is King Charles etc. Please do your own homework.
-Benjamin Fulford
Hi Ben,
As Saudi Arabia ended the petrodollar treaty does it mean the end of the American dollar and also the end for Euro? When can we expect the financial collapse? And what will it bring for the ordinary people?
Best regards,
What has happened is that all the US dollars owned by people outside of the United States have been separated from those inside the US. The US has also lost the ability to just print dollars to buy stuff from the rest of the world.
This is affecting Americans who are suffering from hyper-inflation and economic collapse but it will not affect the rest of the world. They will be better off since the US can no longer act as a parasite on them.
-Benjamin Fulford
Dear Ben,
In 2022 right on that day of the Russian invasion into Ukraine Russian bank Sberbank bankrupted in Europe. The official story is that it became insolvent however until then it was very prosperous and healthy. I used to have some money in the Czech Republic and due to the bankruptcy the special Fund is repaying all the deposits by the money of the Czech tax payers until the next year 2025. The official story is that people having deposits in this bank made a run on a bank on February 24-25 2022, but then why is this special Fund making the disbursements? Also the only western politician that has visited Kremlin since the February 2022 was the Austrian chancellor Karl Nehammer and he said the negotiations with Putin were harsh. The thing is the Sberbank Europe’s headquarter was in Vienna. I believe the Sberbank in Europe was robbed in Vienna. And in this way they robbed not the Russians but the European citizens who had deposits in that bank.
What do you think of this Ben? Do you have any info on the bankrupted Sberbank in Europe?
Best regards,
My sources suggest you contact REDACTED at REDACTED to ask about Sherbank.
-Benjamin Fulford
Hello Ben,
I would like to know if you heard of Immediate Luminary which is supposed to be an AI crypto currency web platform which earns money based on a computer program that runs it? I would like to know if it is not faked, if it is true? Do you know?
Best regards,
Never heard of it but if it sounds too good to be true then it isn’t true
-Benjamin Fulford
Dear Ben,
Happy New Year 2025!
In your latest newsletter you wrote besides many other very interesting stuff that Christianity was designed to control slaves. As I myself for a long time have this feeling too how come the humanity is for so long so brainwashed? Is it the fear of dying that keeps us on believing in it? People are afraid of the future after the life ceases and due to this uncertainty we cling to anything that provides us some explanation. So is the Christianity really a fraud? And if so what is the truth behind our existence? Why are we here in this short experience during human living? What will happen after we die? What is the sense of this all?
There are some definite problems with Christianity. The first is that Jesus Christ was tortured to death and his body was put out for public display. The other is the idea of turning the other cheek when hit. At a certain point you run out of cheeks. A third one is the idea of giving unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, in other words shut up and hand over the money. Another one is the idea of saying if you put up with injustice you will go to heaven and the unjust will not. We need justice in this world, not the next.
Having said that, the Christianity of universal love practiced by most Christians and the teaching of charity for the poor and the suffering make Christianity an overall good religion.
As far as the meaning of life is concerned, my conclusion is that we are here to learn and grow. There is also considerable scientific evidence for reincarnation. So I think our role here is to serve the life force by helping to increase the amount and variety of life.
-Benjamin Fulford
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