Now that Trump takes power, the final battle for the planet earth begins
Today Donald Trump formally takes power and this will trigger the final battle for the planet Earth. To win Donald Trump must nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and end its’ system of Babylonian debt slavery. The future of our species is at stake. If we lose this battle, we will spend all eternity in the human equivalent of chicken factory farms. If we win, we will be able to choose our own futures according to our dreams and desires.
Here is the official portrait of the man we hope will set us free: Donald Trump, the 47th President of the United States.
A Pentagon source comments: “This looks like the real CIC Trump. He has the bluish color under his eyes. Plus his right eye is partially closed…This one of the traits of the real deal.”
The real CIC will have a lot on his plate. CIA officials report massive terror attacks are planned for the US including suicide bombers and attacks on airliners. The illegal immigrant army is also supposed to take up arms in the fight for control of the United States and thus the world.
Since so much is at stake, it is a good time to step back and look at the big picture. Most humans, especially those in the “civilized world” have been slaves for so long, we do not even realize it.
In my case, when I was 17 years old, the zeitgeist in the street was that if I went to university I would be “brainwashed and turned into a consumer.” Since a fish does not know water exists until it jumps for the first time, I decided the best way to learn about civilization was to leave it. So, I hitchhiked my way down to the Amazon. there was a middle-class style American settlement. The people there were looking to convert uncontacted tribes into Christianity. They would fly over their villages in small planes and have arrows and spears shot at them. They dropped bags containing cooking pots, mirrors, and other accessories of civilization along with microphones. Then they would listen in on their conversations to try to learn their language. Finally, when they thought the natives were ready, they would appear in person to begin preaching. This was a process designed to turn them into slaves so that the corporations could later move in, cut down the forests, drill for oil and put the original inhabitants into shanty towns.
This is something that happened to our ancestors thousands of years ago. When I visited the P2 Freemason controllers of Western civilization, they admitted to me their version of Christianity was a religion designed to control slaves.
Getting back to the Amazon, after I arrived by boat at a Shipibo Indian settlement, I took out some Peruvian money to try to “buy” things from them. They reacted with disgust at this unhygienic paper -with no intrinsic value- and would have nothing to do with it. They were only interested in physical items in my possession. By contrast, Western peoples have been so brainwashed by this “money majick” that we will strip naked, work 80-hour weeks and otherwise degrade ourselves for this “paper.” Now, most money doesn’t even have paper to back it, it is just numbers inside computers.
The process of turning free people into slaves is not just restricted to money. It also involves the wholesale destruction of traditional knowledge and culture. The Shipibo shaman I studied under was heir to thousands of years of traditional knowledge about healing. He was better at healing local ailments than Western doctors and so was more popular than them. So, what did the Western doctors do? They killed him.
The owners of the Federal Reserve Board and the other central banks have been killing people like him for millennia in order to turn this planet into a giant centralized mono-culture controlled by them. Remember, “government” means “control (govern) minds (ment).”
Whether people realize it or not, the election of Donald Trump is a major reaction against this ancient system of control,
So now getting back to Donald Trump. He is promising a running start with over 200 executive orders. These include:
Expelling the millions of foreign criminals illegally in the US
Ending subsidies for electric vehicles
Leaving the WHO
Imposing a 25% tariff on goods from Mexico and Canada
Granting amnesty to all the J6 political prisoners
Leaving the Paris Accords and ending restrictions on carbon
Ending the Ukraine war
Ending the occupation of Gaza
Radically overhauling the CDC, NIH and FDA
Eliminating the Department of Education
Stopping all LBGTQ propaganda
However, the big Kahuna he is expected to announce is an economic emergency. In a sign he knows what he has to do, Trump X’d the following:
For far too long, we have relied on taxing our Great People using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Through soft and pathetically weak Trade agreements, the American Economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the World, while taxing ourselves. It is time for that to change.
I am today announcing that I will create the EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE to collect our Tariffs, Duties, and all Revenue that come from Foreign sources. We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair share. January 20, 2025, will be the birth date of the External Revenue Service. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
While he hints at abolishing the IRS and replacing it with tariffs, he does not mention nationalizing the Fed and issuing government money as is written in the Constitution.
That is because he needs to reach a deal with China first. The US has about a $ 1 trillion per year trade deficit with the world while the Chinese have about the same size trade surplus. Even if Trump puts a 100% tariff on Chinese goods, China would just move its factories to places like Vietnam and Mexico and the US would keep having a deficit. If Trump places 100% tariffs on the rest of the world, the US would instantly implode into a minor, isolated country.
That is why Trump has to reach a deal with China. Both Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping said they had a phone call last week about exactly this.
Xi said, “China-U.S. ties will have a good start in the new U.S. presidential term, and stand ready to push China-U.S. relations to make greater progress from a new starting point.”
Trump wrote, “The call was a very good one for both China and the USA…“It is my expectation that we will solve many problems together, and start immediately. We discussed balancing Trade, Fentanyl, TikTok, and many other subjects.” “President Xi and I will do everything possible to make the World more peaceful and safe!” Trump continued.
Asian Secret Society and Pentagon sources say a fundamental deal has been agreed to in which
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