Khazarian mob using virus fear porn in desperate attempt to keep control over its 200-plus “nation states”

The Khazarian mob is fighting for its life and stoking pandemic fear porn in a desperate attempt to keep its control grid over humanity, multiple sources say.  This is happening because they cannot meet a payments deadline (temporarily extended into February) for the United States of America Corporation, the sources involved in the negotiations say. …

Rothschilds kicked out of Russia and Japan as world revolution unfolds

A world revolution is unfolding with historical events taking place in Africa, China, France, Japan, Russia, and elsewhere as the old planetary control grid continues to collapse, multiple sources agree. Let’s start with the revolution that was announced in Russia last week.  Basically, David Rothschild was kicked out and the Russian central bank was nationalized,…

Letter from Russia

The following letter arrived in my email from Russia.  Here is the machine-translated version, and below that is the original Russian version. —BF I’m Ilya Vladimirovich Konnov, 09/18/1980, that on the territory of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Sverdlovsk region in the colony No. 53 illegal acts occur, namely: I want to inform the…