
Carpe diem seize the day and mount a final assault on the Khazarian mafia

In the war against the Khazarian mafia, the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States is as the Russian victory at Stalingrad was for World War 2: a tide turning victory. However, it also means the war is far from over. This is how a source who was in a secret meeting…


The cabal will be defeated no matter who wins the US presidential farce

The intense struggle at the top of the world’s power structure will not end on November 8th no matter who wins the so-called US Presidential election, US agency sources say. However, there is strong likelihood the issue will be settled by January 20th, 2017 when the new President is supposed to formally assume the reins…


A personal Thank you from a WDS member. “Thank you for your recent donation and kind words of support. Outlander received his formal medical education in the USA. He has also received training from Native American traditional healers, and Tibetan Buddhist monks. His philosophy is to heal human ailments as quickly as possible, as this…


The message for the Khazarian mafia is trick or treat surrender or die

It is time to get out the pitchforks and guns folks and storm the palaces of the Khazarian mafia’s top gangsters. This has been confirmed in a letter many sources confirm that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford sent to every member of the US military. In the letter Dunford says:…