Beyond Blue Beam

Dear readers, Welcome Back! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new blog, Beyond Blue Beam. Every Wednesday, prepare to dive into a curated selection of UFO/Project Blue Beam and other extraordinary news updates, directly from our confidential sources within the space force. It’s up to you to judge their authenticity. Additionally, we’ll be…

Actionable intelligence on child torture centers received from high level US government official

If this doesn’t make your blood boil, I don’t know what will. A high-level government official (this person has been alone in the room with US Presidents and Israeli Prime Ministers) has given us very detailed and actionable intelligence on child torture facilities located across the US, the UK and elsewhere. It includes the names…

UFO New Feed

Dear readers, we are starting a new service. On Wednesdays we will send out a UFO/Project Blue Beam and other otherworldly news feed. This is sent to us by our secret space force contacts. Readers can decide for themselves if this is for real. We will also send out other video clips that may be…