Video destruction of the Mossad HQ *Removed*
It was determined that video was NOT the destruction of the Mossad HQ, we had been mislead by a source. The explosion was from a factory in China.
It was determined that video was NOT the destruction of the Mossad HQ, we had been mislead by a source. The explosion was from a factory in China.
I’m a paid subscriber to your blog. Thanks for the great work and for standing up for the truth. I have a few questions I hope you can address. 1 . Justin Trudeau is still pushing a carbon tax and seems very much aligned with deep state interests. Is he going to be a one-term…
Benjamin: First, I wish to say thank you for your courage and dedication to getting truth out to the world. In this quote from one of your weekly reports, a major question comes to mind: “According to senior Pentagon and Asian Secret Society sources, a decision to establish a de facto World government is also…
Dear Benjamin, I have to say I am really confused about what is going on with this stollen election. I need your input on if in the United States we are winning or losing this war? Robert Steele makes the case that Trump will arrest, prosecute and take office for 4 more years. I really…
Benjamin, Adolf Hitler having a Rothschild bloodline and the Merkel/May connection seems to be a stretch. I agree there is something sinister being covered up, most likely the mass atrocities committed against Germany and the 15-21 million German men, women, and children who perished. I’ve heard this line before, “Merkel is Hitler’s daughter.” Even if…
How can Ben Fulford claim to be a good guy supporting Trump when he’s charging 11 bucks a month for his cut-and-paste articles? Shameful PAY-triotism with a sneaky nod to the Freemasonic number 11. Please address this in your Letters to the Editor, as even mainstream media don’t have fees like this. —SD The fee…
Hi Ben, I’m curious what you think about this person’s site and this post specifically: Thank you! —N Dean Henderson is a good journalist whose writings I have often encountered. SERCO has also come onto my radar screen before. However, I am pretty sure the people who want to kill 90% (or 70%) of…