A recommended book from Ben’s Colleague. (For Japanese Readers)
Dear Loyal Readers, We regret to inform you that although we wish censorship did not exist, it is everywhere we look. Many entities work daily to silence those who fight to share knowledge of what is really happening. On November 2nd we received this email from one of our payment processors, Paypal. “After a recent…
It has come to my attention that the Japanese slave government and the criminal organization known as U-tube have been suppressing my Japanese language videos. We will provide links to them on our English site to help get the word out to the Japanese public. 日本の奴隷政府とYoutubeと言う犯罪組織が、私の日本語動画を弾圧しているために、独自開発した日本語版動画サイトのリンクをここに載せます。興味のある方ぜひ見てください。 【バイデン政権の終焉(ハザールマフィア)】 【ハザールマフィア降参交渉】
The following email arrived from William Twofeather: AHO! Finally, the truth as seen by 12 jurors who saw all the evidence. The jury leader said to the lawyers, “This is an embarrassment to the Houston Police Department,” …and rightfully so. They also said, “This should never, never have gone to trial.” Thanks for your prayers…
We are a global organization known as the Hongmen (天地会長房青蓮堂). We are a mutual support society also known as Chinese Freemasons or, recently in Japan, as Asian Freemasons. Then Hongmen stand alongside Kiwanis, the Rotary Club and the Lions Club as one of the world’s four largest international mutual support societies. We are also a…
The U.S. Capitol flags flying at half-mast are used to signal distress or the death of a prominent government official. https://www.earthcam.com/usa/dc/capitol/?cam=dc_capitol Rep. Ron Wright R-TX had been fighting cancer for many years and died in the hospital of Covid. He was proposing to look into election fraud. https://www.star-telegram.com/news/politics-government/article247672375.html
I saw the one about people being used as collateral for financial instruments around the world before you deleted it. To the person who sent it, please phone me at +81-90-3439-5558 so that we can talk without the idiots (who will soon be in jail) censoring us. FYI a friend of mine has also seen…