Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video Interview 02/04/2022

However, as with the weekly newsletters, we will also allow these Q&A videos to be released for free on Thursdays under the same guidelines as the newsletter. Please leave your questions for Ben in the comment section of this post and we will pick the most voted comments to answer! As always we appreciate and…

Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video Interview 01/28/2022

PLEASSE WAIT SEVERAL MINUTES FOR THE VIDEO TO ENCODE. THIS SHOULD NOT TAKE LONG. However, as with the weekly newsletters, we will also allow these Q&A videos to be released for free on Thursdays under the same guidelines as the newsletter. Please leave your questions for Ben in the comment section of this post and…

Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video Interview 01/21/2022

These videos are a paid benefit of the Monthly Subscription+Q&A Interview and Full Access memberships. However, as with the weekly newsletters, we will also allow these Q&A videos to be released for free on Thursdays under the same guidelines as the newsletter. Please leave your questions for Ben in the comment section of this post and we will pick…

The gnostic illuminati was right, we really are dealing with a rogue AI

As the old adage goes, truth is stranger than fiction. It turns out the gnostic Illuminati (GI) were right, we really are dealing with a rogue AI that controls the Khazarian mafia. Humanity must defeat this AI or become slave-robots working eternally to serve a machine mind. When the GI first contacted the White Dragon…