“Good side” of Rothschild family says Trump will stage financial reset

The deadlock has ended in the undeclared U.S. civil war that lasted all summer, and the good guys have already begun a series of stunning moves against the cabal, including shooting down their secret satellites, multiple sources confirm.  Also, a complete reset of the global financial system has already begun, assert CIA sources connected to…

Issues simmering over the summer may lead to war in the autumn

Several issues could trigger a brief, sharp war inside the U.S., in the Middle East, and possibly even in Japan this autumn, multiple sources agree.  The key issue remains 9/11, a mass-murder event that remains unpunished and officially unacknowledged to this day.  The 9/11 war crime was used as an excuse for the mass murder…

China’s AI “Goddess” and the East/West AI competition

Notice to readers:  This is the last of our three pre-written reports.  We will return to our usual weekly news format next week.  Your patience and understanding have been appreciated. Last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin said whoever leads in AI (Artificial Intelligence) “will control the world.”  The Chinese took these words seriously and are…

Secret societies, secret services and religions: The current balance of power

Notice to readers:  This is the second of three pre-written reports as we continue our summer “digital detox.” The secret war for the planet earth has been intensifying and is headed for some sort of climax.  For that reason, before the autumn battles begin, it’s a good time to look at some of the world’s…

The secret history of the planet Earth from 2000 to 2018

Notice to readers:  For the next three weeks, barring some unprecedented news event, the reports will be pre-written as I take my annual sabbatical off the grid and off the Internet.  Your understanding is appreciated. As we prepare for what may be the final autumn offensive that finally overthrows the Khazarian mafia cabal, it’s a…