Eric Hollerbach of Highway Diary interviews Benjamin Fulford, October 1, 2019
Eric Hollerbach of Highway Diary interviews Benjamin Fulford, October 1, 2019:
Eric Hollerbach of Highway Diary interviews Benjamin Fulford, October 1, 2019:
Here is Benjamin Fulford’s July 11, 2018 interview with
Check out Benjamin Fulford’s September 13, 2018 interview with at the link below.
Here is a link to an interview where Fulford discusses the latest in what is happening to this lovely but endangered planet of ours.
We received this short video from Vincenzo Mazzara of the Black Sun organization that was blocked by YouTube. They seem to be calling for world peace and a new age.
This is a UFO video sent to me by the Russians. Could any expert out there please check to see if this is computer graphics? Thank you.