Fulford interview on French site Exo Portail
Here is an interview of Benjamin Fulford on the French website Exo Portail:
[Lasts about 1 hour; in French]
Here is an interview of Benjamin Fulford on the French website Exo Portail:
[Lasts about 1 hour; in French]
Benjamin Fulford discusses the 2011 Fukushima disaster with Polish television Part 1 https://youtu.be/EsdLCeijnB8 Part 2 https://youtu.be/gILcsHU570s Japanese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c4zeI0amHk
This is a UFO video sent to me by the Russians. Could any expert out there please check to see if this is computer graphics? Thank you. https://benjaminfulford.net/video/UFO.mp4
Here is Benjamin Fulford’s November 15, 2018 interview with PrepareforChange.net: Benjamin Fulford Interview: We’re Not Going To Get You, The Military Will! – 15th Nov 2018 – Prepare For Change