Letters to the Editor
Japan was forced to dismantle this system by the KM after the murder of many Prime Ministers and government employees. The result has been decades of economic stagnation and a declining birth rate.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has already passed over to the other side, according to a CIA source. He was taken out by the KM satanic cabal. They are trying to come up with a cover story now. Let’s see how long they keep silent about it. https://m.theepochtimes.com/supreme-court-justice-clarence-thomas-hospitalized_4350249.html?utm_source=newsnoe&utm_campaign=breaking-2022-03-21-1&utm_medium=email&est=ayGDtN4hmoOWEFUAp5e%2FCze1kQkPJ4c84CNViGFHxrh%2FuqgWkR7P0gsRhSc6bD3cKA%3D%3D
Hi Ben, There were (and not so long time ago) good generals that were on the top of the US army and that you wrote about. Where are they now? How can the bad guys have so much power – I mean the bad guys (the Bullshitmakers Inc.) that they compromise everybody and stick their…
Hello Ben: A man has recently come forward with much information to impart to the people of the world. Of course, some of it is what you and others have also been speaking of for some time now. He sounds like he is involved at the coal face of getting this tech manufactured and out…
Shalom Benjamin, I have been receiving your newsletters from friends and associates for a few years now. I must admit I was amazed that you had the chance to interview David Rockefeller, a man who rarely if ever speaks with any person outside the world he lives in. Obviously you have something going on and…
Hello Ben: When I do a search on these people ruling us, all kinds of Reptilian stuff comes up. I’ve found shapeshifting, blood sacrifice, adrenochrome, Pedophiles, eating babies, if fact the inside of the Vatican looks like a Reptile. When I dowse these people souls, I get Reptilian. So, my question is. What do…
Hi Mr. Fulford, I’m a reader of yours and I have previously sent you a similar email. There is currently a mass meditation being prepared for November 11th for the purpose of removing the control the Cabal has upon the financial system. The reason why I’m writing you is that the more people that take…