News flash: Joe Biden has cancelled all public appearances
News flash: Joe Biden has cancelled all public appearances
Readers please monitor news to confirm
-Benjamin Fulford
News flash: Joe Biden has cancelled all public appearances
Readers please monitor news to confirm
-Benjamin Fulford
How Our Past & Future Collide in Present Existential Crisis Risking America and Humanity’s Survival
In my April 5, 2021 report I wrote the following: His name is Nakai Tenzan and he is so despised in Japan that even gangsters shun him. He went into hiding after an associate of his told me he had bragged about killing my webmaster with a cancer-causing poison. He also once tried to get…
One of our Polish information sources needs money to buy a new computer. Please send donations to We do not support or associate with PayPal, however given the circumstance this is the best way to send her money. If you are more comfortable donating directly on you may do so, please just…
A WDS member needs our help. He has been working in Indonesia for the past 18 years, providing medical aide at no charge, to rural indigenous people. He has traveled by canoe into the wild jungle, to bring alternative medicines and treatment to indigenous people. He has treated and often cured illnesses such as typhoid…
CIA sources say: “Kim Jong Un died at 2 a.m. local time on Thursday, April 23rd. He was killed with a bio-weapon. His death will likely be announced once preparations for the burial are made.” Details to follow in the next report.
It has come to my attention that the Japanese slave government and the criminal organization known as U-tube have been suppressing my Japanese language videos. We will provide links to them on our English site to help get the word out to the Japanese public. 日本の奴隷政府とYoutubeと言う犯罪組織が、私の日本語動画を弾圧しているために、独自開発した日本語版動画サイトのリンクをここに載せます。興味のある方ぜひ見てください。 【バイデン政権の終焉(ハザールマフィア)】 【ハザールマフィア降参交渉】