
The debts are finally being called in and those who thought they were Gods fall to earth

At the very top of the power structures of this planet lies an esoteric realm where a very few people find themselves with great power in their hands and nobody above them to give them commands. Such a situation causes insanity in those too weak and too greedy to take the responsibility. Such is the…


The slow fuse will keep burning through July

Although it is impossible to predict exactly how the smoke will twirl off the end of a cigarette, you can predict with certainty that eventually the smoke will be evenly distributed throughout the room. In the same way, while it is impossible to predict the individual twists and turns of the collapse of the Federal…


Secret societies and their relationship to the spiritual world

Secret societies are to be found at the intersection between the spiritual and material worlds. Their existence predates civilization and humanity. At their essence they represent competing survival strategies and the species that act as vessels for these strategies. They represent the pinnacle of cultural evolution. The best studied examples are the arms races between…


The ancient Gods and their stories are actually recipes for power

The teachings of the world’s secret societies are deeply connected to the pursuit of earthly power. The ancient ruling classes preferred to keep this knowledge in the hands of a small elite in order to maintain this grip on power. This week we will look at some of this secret knowledge of kings. [restrict paid=”true”]Perhaps…


Japan is investing 8 trillion yen in new energy technology; oil and nuclear power will be phased out.

The Fukushima nuclear crisis is turning out to have a silver lining because it has convinced the Japanese political and business establishment to phase out nuclear power and oil as energy sources. In particular, Japanese tycoon Masayoshi Son has teamed up with Prime Minister Naoto Kan to invest 8 trillion yen or about $100 billion…