Ben is back live In Tokyo! Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video 09/01/2023

Ben is back live in Tokyo! As with the weekly newsletters, we will also allow these Q&A videos to be released for free on Thursdays. Subscribers will be allowed to share the videos on social media or their own sites on Thursdays, but must use Rumble video embedding short code. The embedding code will become…

The US, the West and KM about to fall into the abyss

The Khazarian mafia-controlled West is about to fall over a cliff despite frantic attempts by its leadership to scare us back into submission with fire, plague, war, alien invasion etc. What is interesting is that the collapse could include the government of Xi Jinping in China and not just the West. That is why Jews…

Ben is back live! Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video 08/25/2023

Ben is back live! As with the weekly newsletters, we will also allow these Q&A videos to be released for free on Thursdays. Subscribers will be allowed to share the videos on social media or their own sites on Thursdays, but must use Rumble video embedding short code. The embedding code will become available on…

Russia will not negotiate peace with current US regime

The US and Western authorities are trying to start peace negotiations with Russia over Ukraine and elsewhere. The Russians -for good reason- do not trust the current Western leadership. “The problem, however, is that the United States has no intention of ending the conflict,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov explains, noting that “their officially declared objective is to…

Ben is back live! Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video 08/18/2023

Ben is back live! As with the weekly newsletters, we will also allow these Q&A videos to be released for free on Thursdays. Subscribers will be allowed to share the videos on social media or their own sites on Thursdays, but must use Rumble video embedding short code. The embedding code will become available on…