Queensland fire twisters: a naturally occurring phenomenon

Greetings from Australia, Ben:

Thank you so much for the narrative you provide us with on a weekly basis and for your direct involvement in the demise of “malevolents” by attempting to bring equality to those presently incarnated on this beautiful planet.

The pictures below are of a naturally occurring phenomenon that usually occurs at the end of the dry season, when the atmosphere is all but devoid of humidity.

I know them as “willie-willies” and have also heard them called “dust-devils.”  They are most commonly seen on the flatter country in their dust form and will also form very readily when fire is present.

It is my belief that these are not the result of leo, DEW platforms, unlike what has been perpetrated on the populations of the West Coast of the not-so-United-States-of-America.

I have no problem, though, with the notion that a majority of the fires are being “started” and enhanced by the obvious weather manipulations that have been and still are perpetrated upon this continent (Australia) and our neighbour New Zealand for many years now.

Please keep up the excellent work you are doing, and may the tyranny that has held sway on this planet for so long be replaced by a more universally beneficial alternative way of being in the very near future.


Thanks for the information;  I will let my readers know.


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