Search Results for: wds


Rothschild family offers White Dragon Society $25 trillion to “go away.”

The high level banksters known as the Rothschild family offered the White Dragon Society $25 trillion to “go away.” When the WDS representative said “can you make it $50 trillion?,” they answered, without hesitation, “sure whatever you want.” The problem is the WDS cannot accept either stolen money or money that was fraudulently created. In…


By refusing to relinquish power, the cabal will face lynch mobs

When the Asians decided to wage financial war against the criminal cabal that has taken over the West and was plotting unprecedented genocide, the cabalists were warned that it would just be a matter of time before they faced lynch mobs in their own countries. That time is fast approaching. The non-stop protests against the…


What replacing the government of the planet means

Power is an elusive thing. It is ultimately a fine balance of mass psychology built up through the momentum of the past. Changing the very top of the world’s power structure involves a shift in the psychology of the people who rule the planet. That change is then followed by a change in public announcements…


Gun battle rages over control of codes to new financial system

There was an 8-minute highly intense gun-fight last week as Khazarian agents attempted to steal codes for the new financial system from a White Dragon Society representative. The attack was repelled at which point the Khazarians contacted the Japanese Prime Minister’s office saying their agents had infiltrated security at nuclear plants in Japan and threatened…


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