Justin Castro, Chrystia Freeland, Jill Biden and others flee to Ukraine as KM collapse continues

Khazarian mafia agents Justin Castro, Chrystia Freeland, Jill Biden and others have fled to Ukraine as KM rule collapses, CIA sources say. They have fled to avoid arrest for war crimes as their crimes against humanity become impossible to hide, they say. That is why “actors, actresses, rock stars, comedians and world leaders are visiting Ukraine,” another CIA source notes.

If you still do not believe these people are fleeing to avoid being rounded up, take a look at this Google Earth screenshot of the prison at Guantanamo Bay. That is clearly a facility designed to hold thousands of KM criminals. 

That is why their overlords, the Rockefeller clan, who were behind the entire fake Biden regime, are now trying to negotiate a surrender, Asian secret society sources say. In Europe, meanwhile, their other masters, the Rothschild family, are trying to get protection from their former slave colony of Israel by claiming exposure of their crimes is “anti-semitic.”


The problem is a critical mass of Jews is now aware their ruling families were deeply involved in the Holocaust (burnt offering to Satan) as a part of their messianic project to chase the Jews out of Europe and into Israel. They wanted to become kings of the Jews, against the will of the Jewish people. The fact that Israel refuses to support their campaign to create greater Khazaria in Ukraine is proof of this.

The collapse of KM rule in the West may be the trigger for something that has never happened before in our history. Russian, Asian and Secret Space Program sources say some sort of earth-shaking, mind-blowing event may happen soon, with some predicting it for this week. As usual with such predictions, we will believe it when we see it but, as we will report below, there is some extremely unusual project blue beam-related stuff going on in Antarctica and elsewhere.

Let us start by looking at the situation in Ukraine, where the last of the KM leaders are seeking shelter. According to Western experts, Ukraine has already lost the war, as it lost:

80% of oil and gas fields

All refineries and large tank farms

Fields for sowing

Coal mines

Four major ports

A significant part of nuclear and a significant part of coal generation

Oil and gas fields on the Black Sea shelf.

That is why the United Nations Security Council issued a unanimous resolution calling for an end to the “dispute” in Ukraine. Notice they did not use the word “war.” In other words, they are admitting it is an internal Russian matter. The fact the US, the UK and France are going along with this resolution speaks volumes. It is a surrender



Ukraine is now being dismembered. The southern and eastern parts will become part of Russia, while Poland and Rumania take over large chunks of the Western part.

That is why The President of Poland called for the abolition of the border between Ukraine and Poland. “There will no longer be a border between our countries. So that we can live together on this earth, building common happiness and strength that will allow us to repel any danger,” Polish President Andrzej Duda said.


The question now is whether Russia will allow a small rump state of Ukraine to function as a sort of reservation for the last of the Khazarian Mafia.

Probably not because, as Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said on Saturday “The US leadership should also be held accountable for the crimes committed by the Kyiv Nazi regime in Ukraine, thus expanding the list of war criminals,”

Their crimes have been by no means limited to Ukraine. In Syria, the KM military branch, going under such brand names as Al Qaeda and IS, was systematically murdering men to claim their children and women as war trophies, says US Colonel Richard Black who was there. The KM 

(who want to enslave all of humanity), 

held slave auctions there where the highest bids were for children, he says.


In the United States, according to the FBI, 40,000 children have been vanishing every year for decades. Most of these children were probably tortured to death to harvest adrenochrome, multiple witnesses are now saying.

When this comes out, as it now is, there will be nowhere either on or off this planet for these criminals to hide.

Speaking about criminals hiding, let us look again at Justin Castro, the election stealing Manchurian candidate who tried to turn Canada into a totalitarian slave camp. Our sources in the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service tell us the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS) has been

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compromised by the KM. They charged a series of top generals with vague sexual offenses (all of which are being denied or have been disproven) in an attempt to prevent the military from doing their job and arresting the traitor Castro. The last straw for the Canadian military was when Castro and his KM cronies appeared to have murdered general Trevor Cadieu.

Cadieu was supposed to take over the Canadian military before he joined the long list of generals sidelined by spurious sexual harassment charges. Now, they are trying to explain his sudden disappearance by putting out slanderous reports he was caught by the Russians heading a bioweapons laboratory in Ukraine.


When we contacted our Russian FSB sources as well as Canadian and US intelligence sources they all agreed he was never captured by the Russians. The implication is this was a cover story put out to prevent the Canadian military from retaliating for the probable murder of a top and popular general.

Castro and his fellow KM criminals have been desperately trying to neutralize the Canadian military because their vaccine crimes are now being fully exposed and they fear arrest by military police.

The vaccine crimes have been written about extensively elsewhere so we will only point to a few highlights. The most important was probably the release of Pfizer documents that confirm 1,223 people died within the first 28 days after being inoculated with the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine during trials — and it was still approved for use.


This has already caused the first domino to fall. Rady Johnson, the Executive Vice President of Pfizer, has been arrested at his home and charged with multiple counts of fraud by federal agents. Will he sing like a canary or hang himself in his cell. Or maybe have a sudden heart attack from the stress? 


No matter what though, the attempt to use Covid as an excuse to permanently enslave humanity is failing. As an example, listen to the avatar Bibi Netanyahu state that you have nothing to fear from corona, it’s all nonsense. 

That is why Israel said on Sunday it was ending mandatory COVID-19 testing for arrivals at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport.

To see what they were planning, look at this Covid concentration camp. This is located in Australia, not China.

In China too, there is a revolt against the drastic Covid totalitarianism there. China is facing sustained criticism and public discontent over its lockdowns. The Covid outbreaks are forcing the party to choose between the economic growth that has provided a source of legitimacy for more than four decades and Xi’s efforts to show China’s model is superior to Western democracy.


Chinese history shows the Chinese people will put up with a lot of repression before they suddenly and collectively explode in revolt. The video below is an example.

Now, a whistleblower from China has sent us evidence the widespread testing for Covid was just an elaborate scheme by the French branch of the Rothschild family to money launder bribes to Chinese officials. Fake Covid tests were made in China and then bought at great expense by the government pretending it was imported from companies like Roche, the whistleblower says. This video shows an unsanitary PCR test in China where they were making “expensive French tests.”

This appearance of a blood-red sky over Shanghai may well be a sign that something is about to happen in China.


Asian secret society sources promise major changes are coming. In the Philippines, Dragon family member Bongbong Marcos is about to take over as president. He is working with the alliance and documents are being signed to release funding for a planetary revival, the sources promise. The removal of President Rodrigo Duterte will also mean that David Rockefeller Jr. will lose his protection there, CIA sources in Asia add. That is one reason why he is trying to negotiate a surrender.

The election of Marcos is just one of the big changes expected this week. US Secret Space Program sources say something is also going to happen in Russia:

The spin about Putin needing to go to the hospital and have an operation for possible cancer is a cover story. Putin has been undergoing an upgrade, as we might call it. If he actually appears on Monday the 9th for the WW2 Victory Parade, you will see the difference. It will be obvious. If a double or CGI- hologram appears you will know it as well. Look very carefully as to what is transmitted in the news. If the latter appears in the celebrations it means that his upgrade is not complete. When the treatment is finished we will see a younger-looking man as early as Monday the 9th.

As this report was about to go live pictures in the media of Putin at the victory parade made it clear a new and improved Putin has been put in place to represent Russia. So, if the sources are right, there will be regime change in the US, Russia, Canada and elsewhere starting this week followed by disclosures of previously hidden technology.

For example, the space program folk are saying that babies are now being produced in artificial wombs. This will allow for a massive increase in the human population to prepare for colonization of the universe, the sources say. The videos below illustrate this.

Needless to say, we find this disturbing but important to let people know about so that a collective and democratic decision can be made about this technology.

Now let us see more of the latest from project blue beam. Here our high-level secret space force sources tell us:

“A massive ancient off-world craft has been uncovered in the East of Antarctica. (The area that has been very hot over these past few months). It is estimated to be more than 1 mile in diameter. Excavations are still ongoing. What appears to be an ancient city of sorts is next to the craft. This is completely off the radar. This recovery Op is controlled by Trump, Putin and the Alliance. There is more being discovered almost daily. No one is allowed in the area. The scientists, specialists, Russian/ US Special Ops military on sight are not allowed to leave until further notice. Gag orders are in force. This seems to be part of the reason for heating up the area. Using the magnetic shifting of the poles along with DEW’s from space NOW controlled by the Alliance”. 


The sources continue:

There are many very ancient ‘things’ under the deep ice-buried for tens of thousands of years. Just like the huge temple complex in Cambodia that is buried under the forest but with a new kind of radar called LIDAR the SCIENTISTS found it. It is bigger than Angkor Wat. It may be the largest ancient city in the world


Of course, we will try to get permission for a TV crew and a group of journalists to visit Antarctica to confirm this is real.

The sources also provided us a video of “the anti-gravitational device TR3B made by the Northrop Grumman Corporation,” The fact they are identifying the manufacturer is a good sign this technology is about to be made available to the general public. 

Finally, this week we will show some more project blue beam-related imagery.

To conclude, the story we are being told is that when the KM is finally defeated, a cornucopia of futuristic technology will be released to the public and the quarantine on the planet earth will end.

As usual with such things, believe it when you see it. In the meantime, we all need to keep fighting until humanity is truly liberated.


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