Letters to the Editor

Hello Ben:
     When I do a search on these people ruling us, all kinds of Reptilian stuff comes up. I’ve found shapeshifting, blood sacrifice, adrenochrome, Pedophiles, eating babies, if fact the inside of the Vatican looks like a Reptile. When I dowse these people souls, I get Reptilian. So, my question is. What do you think would happen if everyone learned, we are being ruled by Reptilians?
My view about reptilians is that it is that extra-ordinary claims require extra-ordinary proof. There has been no such proof put out about so-called reptilians other than fake videos. My view is that the reptilian story is disinformation put out by David Icke, He takes the very real proof that the central banks of the West are privately owned and then tacks on the story “they work for reptilians,” to make sensible people ignore the truth about the FRB etc. He fails to provide any real proof about the existence of these “reptilians.”
However, If there were reptilians, then they obviously have to hide their presence or else the people would revolt at attack them. That means they are weak.
Also, I think the reptilian story is a good metaphor for the Satan worshiping Khazarian Mafia families who own the central banks. They are weak and that is why they have been hiding. Now that they have been exposed, they are being removed.
-Benjamin Fulford

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