Letters to the Editor 2/7/2022
“Benjamin,Clif High explains that the international bankers, (the Khazarianmafia), made a deal with the Chinese to move western wealthand productive capacity to China and cooperate in destroyingthe US economy and enslaving them.The banking center of the world would be located in China.China cooperated but cancelled the agreement recently because theyknew the bankers would be controlling them eventually and,MAINLY BECAUSE THE CHINESE HAD THEIR OWN MASTER PLANTO HAVE THE HAN DYNASTY RULE THE WORLD.There are two books Clif refers to by Chinese – The Long Marchand one other that outline their plan to infiltrate the West andbring it down so that eventually the whole world would be Chinese.All non-Chinese would be eliminated.So, both the Khazarians and the Chinese have the same goalin wanting to destroy the US and kill most of the people onthe planet, but for very different reasons.Now the Chinese are withdrawing from their being the exporterof things to the world to focus on building their own consumerbase. This of course is necessary so that they are not dependenton US money which is now worthless and have no ties thatinhibit their master plan.I assume the Chinese elders you work with do not agree with
this Chinese master plan.I hope you can address the above Chinese goal of total Hanpopulation on earth. Is this true?Thanks for showing us what is going on behind the curtain.”
However, I can assure you that none of the top Chinese I ever ment ever said anything about eliminating non Han people. The most radical right wing of them just say “the west has ruled the world for 300 years so now it is our turn.” The majority of the top Chinese I met just want China to be a part of a multi-polar world.