Special letter to the editor from member of founding family of Federal Reserve Board

Benjamin, until the following issue is seriously addressed and corrected within the U.S. military and USA leadership, nothing is going to significantly change.  The ongoing chaos and seemingly never-ending problems that are keeping the USA “stuck,” as it is now, are that Donald Trump and current key individuals within the U.S. government and military leadership are somehow being controlled by the Zionists/Mossad.  They have unwillingly sold out through blackmail.

I am sure most of them, given an opportunity, would want a way out and will turn around and fight to save America and join the fight to destroy the cancerous New World Order (NWO) who tricked them into such uncomfortable situations, but for now all they want is to save their own reputations and skins, and the only way they can do that as things are is by following the Zionist orders.

We need to turn around and change this to our benefit because of their positions of power and the intricate and deep knowledge they possess of the enemy.  We seriously need to help turn those who are now foes into friends instead.  As things stand now, the Zionists blackmailing them keep ordering them to support and give Israel unlimited aid financially and militarily at all costs.

Little do most people know that Israel IS THE CENTRAL GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS OF THE NWO.  This is why our very own corrupt U.S. senators and members of Congress bow instantly to the commands of the Elders of Zion.  This is also why all the Zionist puppet-country leaders around the globe bow to the state of Israel, because Israel is the puppet master and everyone must always sing by its dark tune.

What Washington and the Pentagon must realize is that the Zionist global cartel headquartered in Israel IS the New World Order movement.  Until the U.S. military realizes that as an undeniable fact and makes it a priority to defeat and forcibly remove all the Zionist leaders, presidents, and prime ministers scattered around the globe who were strategically put into key positions of power in key countries, and put new untainted country patriots in their place, we are just endlessly going around wasting time and doing nothing in a vicious cycle which resembles something like trying to pet and contain in a door-less cage a violent and rabid beast that in reality needs to be put down.

The answer lies in offering immunity to all the key leaders in government and military positions, with the condition that they will be removed at some point to give room to a new, fresh, untainted, uncompromised, and clean leadership.

I honestly don’t see a faster way to move things along in any significant way.  I know we all want justice, but we are not talking here about just the repercussions of a single crime being committed.  We are talking about achieving total and final planetary liberation from thousands of years of physical and spiritual slavery.

Unfortunately, Benjamin, not everyone is as honest and valiant as you to discuss their past in a public forum as you have done.  Luckily, you are a single man and you are a free soul who also happens to be a freedom fighter.  Most world political and military leaders are in a much different position where the public perception means EVERYTHING to their lives, political positions, and professions.

We need to understand that everyone makes mistakes and therefore everyone deserves another chance and a way out IF they genuinely want redemption.  Sadly, most people caught within those unfortunate cycles of evil, as I call it, and are afraid, because no one want to see their lives and reputations destroyed and ruined, their loves ones hurt, incarcerated, or worse, even killed.

I make these statements based not on my perception on what I have read in alternative media channels, but based on my own personal life experiences, because there was sexual abuse and pedophilia within my own family while I was growing up as a small and innocent child.  I am one of those few lucky ones that decided to run away from home at a very early age to put an end to the cycle of evil instead of keep perpetuating onto others as was done to me, my siblings, and loved ones.  Yet I wouldn’t like to see any of my family members’ tormentors punished, killed, or even imprisoned.

Why?  Simply because I realized the true root of that evil and therefore I forgave everyone.  I forgave them because I realized that they were doing it because the same or worse had been done unto them throughout their lives by their parents, grandparents, and so on, but they just were simply afraid and not as strong as me to be able to break free of such dark evil.  They were in reality just victims like me—sad victims of a system that cannot be broken with more evil, only with unconditional love.

My grandmother used to confide in me as a child the horrors my grandfather used to inflict on my father as she was forced to watch.  So when I was abused, instead of getting angry, I used to feel compassion and be thankful that at least I was not being treated as bad as my poor dad had to endure throughout his entire childhood.

They were completely broken and eventually gave in.  I ran away at 11 years old and eventually learned what love really is.  Knowing love motivated me to become a freedom fighter like you, and here we are trying to fix a deeply broken world with an equally dysfunctional mirror system.

In conclusion, most people had the opportunity to grow up in normal loving families, and to them it will be kind of hard to understand what I am trying to say here, but as loving humans we must realize that certain part of our population wasn’t as lucky as them and instead they have been broken and traumatized through satanic brutalization since birth to eventually continue perpetuating the system of evil we are now trying to overcome.

The only way to stop, for good and for all, this madness of insurmountable dark evil is by giving them a chance to find a way out of the only thing they have ever known, which is their current cycle of evil they seem to be stuck and entrapped by, and just offer them a well monitored opportunity of redemption.  They will also at some point need to be medically and psychologically treated to overcome whatever damage was done by traumas they need to overcome.

Part of the answer to put an end to this complicated obstacle lies within the following article, and I unfortunately believe it to be an absolute truth.

You can share that information anyway you want, especially with the high military echelons.

Let me just make perfectly clear that only a portion of those compromised can be helped or salvaged.  Perhaps a majority of those are now “helping” behind the huge apparatus of evil, but there are many who have irreparably damaged and those are now set in a mode to kill “everything and everyone” that does not comply with their “programming.”  Those must be eliminated and shot on sight for the good of humanity.

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