Questions from a military man



I’ve been a follower for a while, and I’m a retired military with a high clearance.  I have a couple of questions.

First, what part of DoD are these folks working in who are discussing the cabal?  I worked in both the agencies and the DoD and never saw any of the things you mention.  I’m curious how they can keep things a secret within the ranks.  Bear in mind that I was privy to a lot of information and had a need to know with some of it but never saw any of this information.

Second, how do we win?  How do we out the MSM and get this information out to the public?


Hi SM:

First of all, there is a lot of confusion with terminology, with people meaning different things.  For example, when they use the word “Illuminati,” for many it is a general catch-all phrase for the tip-top of the elite.  In the real world, there are two groups who call themselves “Illuminati.”  One is the descendants of the Caesars and the ruling bloodlines of Europe.  The other is opposed to bloodline rule and claims to have started the American, French, and Russian Revolutions.  In my work I refer to the latter as Gnostic Illuminati, and the former as P2 Freemasons or British Royal family, depending on which faction of the bloodlines I refer to.  Remember that as a reporter I got this information first-hand by meeting representatives of these groups.

The trick is to follow the money to understand what is going on.  What we are dealing with is a faction among the families that control the privately owned central banks.

For convenience and ease of understanding, I use “Khazarian mafia” as a catch-all phrase for the ruling factions engaged in high-level criminal activity.  You would probably have used phrases like Israel, the Israeli lobby, neo-cons, and oligarchs to describe the same groups.

In any case, the key to removing their power is to remove their control of the Western central banks and the Fortune 500 companies.  These are all controlled by about 700 people.

Concerning the media, the trick is to occupy the corporate headquarters of the six conglomerates who control 90% of the media and arrest their top management and controlling shareholders.  A lot could be accomplished by arresting the Sulzberger family who own The New York Times.  They could and should be charged as being criminally complicit, for example, in the crimes of 9/11.

What you also need to understand is that Donald Trump is controlled opposition who was bailed out by the Rothschild family each time he went bankrupt.  That is why he has failed so far to round up the people involved in 9/11.  This can be confirmed through open sources.


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