About Oliver and Sean Stone
The movie director Oliver Stone and his son Sean are very upset about the following paragraph from my January 15th report:
[Robert David Steele] was later offered large sums of money by Sean Stone, the son of movie director Oliver Stone (whose JFK movie blamed everyone except Israel), to tour the US on bus and run for president, At the end of the tour he was intubated and murdered in a Florida hospital. In other words, he was paraded before the Christian slaves before being ritually slaughtered., Sean Stone arrived in Tokyo last week and tried to lure me into what I was warned was a trap. If you want justice for Robert Steele, arrest Sean Stone and take him in for questioning.
Both Sean and Oliver claim they had “nothing whatever to do with the murder of Robert David Steele.”
Also, although I was warned by two separate sources, one Mossad and one CIA that Sean was likely trying to lure me into a trap, I have no proof this was the case. It could well have just been an attempted social visit and my sources were paranoid because of the line of business they are in.
However, the fact remains, RDS was intubated and killed in a Florida hospital. Although I was later told his death was faked, in other cases where this happened I was given private proof the individual concerned was still alive. This has not happened with RDS. It would be nice if Sean Stone would tell us exactly what he knows about the circumstances of RDS’s death.