
Fed plan to bring private armies into US will be stopped

The “revolutions” that have started in the Middle East are all part of a plot by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board, according to sources deep within the system. As a part of this plan, the series of orchestrated replacements of puppets disguised as “revolutions” that started with Tunisia and moved on to…


Hu Jintao’s US visit exposes compromised Chinese government officials

There was something very fishy about Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to the US last week. First of all, mass-murderer and war criminal Henry (Heinz) Kissinger was praised in the official government Xinhua news site. [restrict paid=”true”]Second, this Nazi Kissinger, who was part of the plot to kill off a large percentage of the Chinese…


Western elites play their food card by threatening mass starvation

The end game for the Western elite is becoming clear now that food riots have once again begun erupting around the world. The elite has worked long and hard to ensure they controlled a monopoly on the world’s grain trade. They have also forced most countries that submitted to IMF “austerity programs” to give up…


The Satanist link to intelligence operations disguised as religious sects

One of the most powerful weapons used by the Satanists in their plot to create a totalitarian world government is the use of certain religious sects such as Moonies, the Dalai Lama’s network, Falun Gong and others. The trail ultimately leads to the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate and the Satanic part of the Vatican…


Are we dealing with a rogue artificial intelligence?

Since the war over the new financial system has been in limbo over the holidays this week we will examine the possibility we are actually dealing with a rogue artificial intelligence. Two separate individuals claiming to represent a group called Majestic 12 (but who do not know each other) have made this claim. Already, in…