Benjamin Fulford Talks: Interview Sept. 27, 2018 with Prepare for Change

Check out Benjamin Fulford’s September 27, 2018 interview with at the link below. Looks like an interesting bait and switch from the Republicans to the Democrats on the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh;  white hats trolling them hard.  He has all the votes he needs.

Khazarian mafia seeks Chinese protection as military tribunals loom

The satan-worshipping Khazarian mafia is in a frenzy of fear as military tribunals loom.  As a result, they are offering the world (as if it were theirs to give) to China in exchange for protection, according to Gnostic Illuminati and Asian secret society sources.  In addition to this, they are threatening to unleash pandemics, blow…

MI6 says cabal rule could collapse within three months

There is a very real chance that Khazarian cabal rule will collapse over the next three months, and alternative power structures need to be made ready in time for that, according to British MI6 intelligence sources.  The trigger is expected to be arrests of senior cabalists in the U.S. starting in October, the sources say….