Bad Guys into Good Guys?

Dear Ben:

I heard in your talk with Robert David Steele that you think we should pay the bad guys off and change things to turn the bad guys (NWO mafia) into good guys.

I guess you don’t realize these bad guys are not Human–they have Human bodies and a Reptilian soul.  I’m sure of this although I can’t prove it, but my work is at

I have a God-given ability to read souls by the use of a pendulum, and almost everyone that has used my services agrees with my findings.

These Bad Guys are polarized evil and their souls come from the Draconian Reptilians, so they almost can’t change!  If we were to pay them off and take them out of power, so to speak, what’s to stop them from continuing funding their evil corporations and keep up chemtrails, GMOs, vaccines, Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030, wars, and many other evil activities.

These Reptilian-soul people will not stop, and they intend to have just them in the ruling class and everyone else be a worker/slave.  We must take these evil people out of our society while we still can.  What say you?

A Long Time Subscriber

My view is that the true criminals will face justice, but the ones who went along because it was a choice of “either go along or die” should be allowed truth and reconciliation.

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