Any intel on Jared Rand?


Would you have any intel on Jared Rand?

He says there is a “bad RV” and a “good RV,” and that the bad RV is the cryptocurrency, which is the cabal’s new fiat currency.  They will assure everyone it is gold-backed and “rescue” us from all the others.  (The recent warnings from the BIS against cryptocurrency feel like a cabal deception.)

The good RV is the gold-backed new currency.

Jared Rand is new on the scene and has all the positive off-world helpers’ projections well organized, as well as the spiritual themes put out by the likes of Wilcock and Goode.

Any thoughts on this?


All I can say is that we are tired of waiting for things to happen, so we are working on starting a gold-backed cryptocurrency.  And we like to think we are the good guys.

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