Why no footage of exceptional events?

Hello, Ben:

I always enjoy your weekly news.  I follow quite a few other writers who are reporting on the current wars with the cabal.  I have read there have been many bombings of the cabal’s underground bases and structures, and I have read there have been space wars happening.  Is there a reason that footage of these events is not available to the public?  I would think if they were it would boost the morale of everyone watching and reading about these events.  Have you seen any footage?


Dear P:

There is plenty of footage of weird celestial events and “space ships” or “UFOs” available on the Internet.  The problem is that computer graphics are now so good we cannot tell if these are for real or not.  My advice is to trust your own eyes and your own direct experience above everything.

Having said that, I have seen the entrance to the massive Denver Airport’s underground complex with my own eyes.  Also, multiple credible witnesses say the ongoing war encompasses a lot more than what we see or read about in the corporate mass media.

Hopefully soon we will all be seeing wonders with our own eyes.


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