Canadian medical perspective on pandemic

Thanks for your reply Ben!
Wow!  Your sister must be red-pilled by now then!  I’m glad I’m not alone in my stance.  I certainly won’t get vaccinated either.
Some doctors in Ontario have been speaking up publicly on social media, but the Ontario College has been persecuting any doctors who go against the government/MSM narrative.
Early on, I couldn’t get a single member of my med school class to even look at the real science behind this pandemic, or the benefits of HCQ or Ivermectin in the treatment of respiratory viruses.  I sent out links to the research about HCQ and Coronaviruses, and not a single classmate replied to even discuss it.
Not to mention the fact that masks are totally ineffective in preventing the spread of respiratory viruses!  My nursing friends say the ICUs are at a normal activity if not a little slower than usual, but the news keeps saying our hospital system is on the “verge of collapse”.
So now most of my relatives and virtually all of my med school classmates think I’m a “crazy conspiracy theorist”.  As for me, I am ashamed of my profession going along with this criminal charade!
My friends who are originally from Communist countries all recognized the bullshit and propaganda on the news.  They know it’s a power grab by the government. They say it’s just like it was in Russia or Romania under Communism.
  My other friends from Africa and India were scared of the pandemic at first, but as time went on, they also concluded that it’s B.S.  They are quite familiar with what a real pandemic looks like, and they know this isn’t it.  No dead homeless people in the street etc…
If the original Covid-19 strain did exist, I think it probably disappeared amongst the hundreds of other circulating Coronavirus strains within a few months after it was “released”.  It burnt itself out and was replaced by more benign strains of Coronavirus.  The rest of this has been statistical manipulation and lies.
The vaccines they’re rolling out are terrifying.  If you recall, I’m a retired M.D. with an M.Sc. in Microbiology and Immunology.  My Master’s project was in molecular genetics and I actually met Jonas Salk when he gave a talk at the University of Western Ontario.
I’ve sent this below to all to my friends/relatives:
Just to re-iterate, these are the different ways the vaccine could harm people:
1. Immediate anaphylactic (acute allergic) reactions to adjuvants in the vaccines known to historically cause problems.
2. Acute (within days to weeks) auto-immune reactions due to circulatory inflammation and antibodies causing low platelets and blood clotting problems.  This would result in strokes, heart attacks and organ (liver, kidney) failure. Note that when these deaths occur suddenly in seniors, it’s often attributed to “old age” and no autopsies are done.
3. Delayed immune reactions (months to a year later) due to pathogenic priming of the immune system by the vaccine. This was seen to happen when they tested previous mRNA vaccines in animals.  Months later when the animals were exposed to a different strain of Coronavirus or even some other respiratory virus such as influenza, they responded with an overly aggressive immune response (called a cytokine storm) which resulted in widespread life-threatening inflammation in the lungs and major organs of the body.
  Expect the MSM to blame this on a new “more virulent” strain of virus, therefore raising the pressure to get more people vaccinated. In reality, these deaths will actually have been due to a delayed side effect of the vaccine.
4. Long-term (over years) auto-immune diseases caused by “Covid antibodies” and T-cells cross-reacting to proteins within the body. Results could be an increase in conditions such as autism, juvenile diabetes, ADHD, OCD in kids, and inflammatory bowel disease, inflammatory arthritis, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, etc… in adults.
  The other possible effects could be fertility issues in both men and women, which we’ve already been seeing increased rates of in developed countries where vaccination rates are high. (Eg. lowered sperm counts with poor motility in men, endometriosis and increased miscarriages in women.)
It is easy to predict these above health issues simply by looking at the design of the “vaccines”, which really are more properly described as “gene therapy”. However, we also have the experimental data that was generated in animal trials when they were attempting to develop mRNA vaccines for the SARS virus…they abandoned these trials because most of the animals died when they were exposed to viruses a few months after vaccination.
Ben… at this point, it appears many people will be getting vaccinated, so I’m not going to try to warn people anymore. It’s falling on deaf ears, and I risk alienating most of the people I know with my “conspiracy theories”. I hope those of us doctors and scientists who’ve had grave concerns about these vaccines are eventually proven wrong. I really do.
I fear we won’t be.
P.S.  I agree with China deserving 20% of the global resources.  However, I wish the CCP weren’t in charge.  My Grandpa Lee and his father escaped China after the Kuomintang party was overthrown.  They hated the Communists, so I grew up with a personal bias against the CCP, though I love the country and its people.  (I was last there in 1997)
Dear M,
The problem with your medical colleagues is that the medical bureaucracy, like the medical associations or the college of physicians, is that the top people in these organizations are cabal agents who must obey or be fired, ostracized, de-licensed, or killed. That is why we are going after the heads of these organizations now they have become openly and obviously criminal and even genocidal.

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