Covid-19 virus a Deep State disruptive attack?
Hi Ben,
I just listened to your latest “Prepare for Change” interview, which I found really insightful.
Everyone’s pointing fingers at everyone else, with a lot of disinformation and wild stories on Twitter that I can see…much of it designed to inflame emotions of fear and anger.
As you know, I did molecular genetics in my Masters of Microbiology and Immunology before going into medicine, and then during my medical training, I did a lot of Infectious Diseases rotations at Canada’s first HIV clinic in Ottawa.
All I can say is, I look at the molecular genetics of the Covid-19 virus (assuming it is indeed what is causing all the illness). It seems to me that the Covid-19 genetic “make-up” indicates the intent of the “maker”. It has some of the more severe pathogenic features of the SARS virus, with some elements of the HIV insertion sequences that allow viruses to hide from immune responses (which makes a vaccine more difficult to manufacture). As well it targets certain sequences more common in Asian genomes for binding/invasion and it contains genetic sequences common to H1N1 virus that enhances transmissibility. I do not think all those features just randomly evolved in nature by accident.
It certainly smells like a Deep State disruptive attack to me, especially considering the timing when China and the US were finally starting to iron out their trade differences.
My CIA medical sources have been telling me all along that this is a bio-weapon. What is interesting is that according to the statistical models they use, it should have infected hundreds of millions of people by now but it has not. Something has attenuated the virus and turned it into something of similar intensity to a common cold.