ET technologies: Benefits for all humanity

Hello Ben:

A man has recently come forward with much information to impart to the people of the world.  Of course, some of it is what you and others have also been speaking of for some time now.  He sounds like he is involved at the coal face of getting this tech manufactured and out to the people and we thought it would be a very good idea to send this information on to you. He has requested the word go out to all people who are in a position to help make this technology happen quickly.   A couple of other blog members and myself thought it would be a good idea to forward this information on to you as we thought you were in a very good position to contact relevant people who could get involved or find out more of what is required and get the ball rolling.

Of course, it is also very possible you already know this man or at least know of him.   His name is Jared Rand and his contact email is:

Here is what another blog member has written, which will explain much to you.

Thank you for all you are doing;  it is so very much appreciated.  We are so close now to the changes occurring.  It is amazing to see how far we have come thanks to wonderful people such as yourself, Ben.

We all thought you were an obvious person to forward this info to, Ben.  We are not in a position to contact relevant individuals/organizations, but we know you have contacts who may be in the right fields for just this purpose.

We also appreciate just how busy you are, Ben, so hope you don’t mind us passing this on to you at this crucial moment in the takedown of the cabal.  We felt it was very important to pass this information along ASAP.

Thank you, Ben.

ET technologies – Benefits For All Humanity
We forward this information to you in the hope you get a chance to look closer at it.  Benjamin, we see you as a man of great vision, with a good heart and an open mind.

This call, which took place on January 23, 2018, contains information concerning new “off-world” technologies, like “Med Beds” (which heal all illnesses, rejuvenate the body, grow new limbs, restore failing organs, support anti-aging, etc.)  Also, replicators (as seen in the Star Trek series). Of course, free energy machines are also in the mix of technology he mentions.  All are being offered to humanity by different benevolent ET races. However, these need to be produced and distributed by humanity, which is a huge undertaking.

At 13 :50 Jared Rand urges us to spread his words in order to come into contact with good-hearted people who are closely connected to the financial and military areas/professions.

To get this huge project up and running ASAP, they need financial, technical, and distribution support and funds to start production of this technology.  As soon as these products are manufactured, they will be available for the benefit of all humanity, with priority for the most needy.

Three members of your wonderful blog

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