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“This is a question for Mr. Fulford, and can be addressed openly if he feels it appropriate to do so; does he know if targetted individuals will be compensated specifically for their suffering and acknowledged publically with a formal apology from whatever agencies executed virtual/psychic/physical harassment against them? Another question I have, which I do…
11 June 2020 Mr. President, It is my good fortune to be a former spy and also good friends with Bill Binney and known to Mike Flynn. It has taken me months to arrange for Bill Binney to speak on the record, in a sixteen-minute video at With ten people in thirty days, Bill…
Hi Ben, I’m curious what you think about this person’s site and this post specifically: Thank you! —N Dean Henderson is a good journalist whose writings I have often encountered. SERCO has also come onto my radar screen before. However, I am pretty sure the people who want to kill 90% (or 70%) of…
Hi Benjamin, It would be great if you could mention the Silver Trigger on your blog if you feel so guided. Victory of the Light, —CR Will do. We really are getting close to victory, but we need to keep pushing until it is finally done. —BF
“The “High level planning agency” might be able to assert its decisions on a few countries that have not tasted anything resembling elections that reflect the will of the people, but the countries where such popular will has been incorporated into the mindset of that nation, the planning agency will have no real effect. Exactly…
Dear Mr. Fulford, We exchanged mails close to one year ago. I thought about writing to thank you for your response on 23 July 2017, but imagined you probably receive hundreds of emails, if not thousands, and did not want to be a pest. Today I write to send a belated thank-you, but most of…