Notice to readers:
This week’s geopolitical news and analysis will appear on Tuesday, April 14th. This is in order to be able to include information this writer is expected to receive today.
This week’s geopolitical news and analysis will appear on Tuesday, April 14th. This is in order to be able to include information this writer is expected to receive today.
The increasingly desperate gangsters known as the Bilderberg group, in a last minute effort to maintain their rule, last week ordered assassination teams to kill prominent truth seekers, including this reporter, according to CIA sources. In a related move Italian authorities have been trying to sell the $134.5 billion worth of bonds they seized even…
Hi Eva, What I can do from here in Tokyo is publish your emails to me with the comment below: Could somebody in Washington, D.C. please help this woman. Ben, For your review. Here is an evidentiary chain I have documented (probably too much detail, but I wanted to be transparent). Eva Hello Benjamin,…
This weekend a French agent was sent by George Soros, French President Nicholas Sarkozy and other senior Zionists to negotiate with the White Dragon Society. The talks, which lasted for two days, were inconclusive. However, the agent made it clear the European branch of the Zionists truly feared a collapse of the Euro, while their…
The world is headed for some sort of climactic event that will echo down through history and maybe even eternity. This is not hyperbole. The BRICS summit in Russia this week and the US Presidential selection on November 5th are not ordinary political events. They will determine the future of humanity for thousands of years. Recent…
The man who is blocking the new financial system and preventing the use of Asian gold for the benefit of the planet is Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, according to his close relatives as well as the CIA. Baron Rothschild is the head of the Khazarian mafia octopus that controls the issuance of US dollars, Euros,…
The teachings of the world’s secret societies are deeply connected to the pursuit of earthly power. The ancient ruling classes preferred to keep this knowledge in the hands of a small elite in order to maintain this grip on power. This week we will look at some of this secret knowledge of kings. [restrict paid=”true”]Perhaps…