
Chinese prepare camps for Satanists in Xinxiang Province

Last week a representative of both the White and Black Dragon Societies met in Singapore with a purported senior Chinese leader to discuss the new financial system. It was agreed the fundamental structure of the new financial system would be a 50/50 partnership between East and West. The top leadership would remain secret but the…


North Korean attack linked to dismantling of North Korean spy network in Japan

Last week’s North Korean artillery barrage against South Korea was a response to the arrest of Yamaguchi gumi Yakuza syndicate number two Kiyoshi Takayama. Takayama was a senior North Korean agent in Japan and his arrest was part of the dismantling of the North Korean spy network in Japan. The arrest also marks a fundamental…


Amero plan is firmly rejected by world leaders, chaos looms in January

Once again this week, a lot is happening in the world and a lot more is about to happen including: the nationalization of Toyota’s North American operations, a total regime change in Japan, Russia allying itself with Nato, the ongoing release of forbidden technology and top secret negotiations involving the White Dragon Society and the…


Obama returns empty handed while Papa Bush sends trillions of dollars to Singapore

President Obama’s 10-day Asian begging tour produced nothing as governments of the world refused to provide any more life-support to the US’s corporate government. George Bush Senior, meanwhile, used Obama’s absence as an opportunity to fly trillions of dollars worth of financial instruments and gold to Singapore. This money will be spent on a shopping…


Red alert for new criminally insane move by Satanic Federal Reserve Board cabal

Multiple reliable sources are warning of an extremely horrific act by the criminally insane cabal behind the soon to be bankrupt Federal Reserve Board, possibly on November 11, 2010: 101109 or 11/9/2010, which has uncanny reverse similarity to 9/11/2001. Remember 9 is a sacred number for the Satanists. Indications for this include: the sudden cancellation…