Beyond Blue Beam

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Readers.  Welcome back to another episode of Beyond Blue Beam. Our journey into the realms of mystery and intrigue continues. Is it fiction or reality? As the Moody Blues say, “Red is grey and yellow white, but we decide which is right and which is an illusion.” You decide! Share…

Paradigm shift as Rome, Israel collapse while Ottoman Empire revives

The Western world is going through a paradigm shift as one version of reality shifts to another. Monotheistic people are herded along using a story written by a hidden elite. This story is enforced with violence, bribery, street theater (often involving real murder) and mass propaganda. What is happening is that the story tellers are…

Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video 12/20/2024

As with the weekly newsletters, we will also allow these Q&A videos to be released for free on Thursdays. Subscribers will be allowed to share the videos on social media or their own sites on Thursdays, but must use Rumble video embedding short code. The embedding code will become available on Rumble after the video is…

Beyond Blue Beam

Hello readers, welcome back to another episode of Beyond Blue Beam. Our journey into the realms of mystery and intrigue continues. Is it fiction or reality? As the Moody Blues say, “Red is grey and yellow white, but we decide which is right and which is an illusion.” You decide! Share your thoughts in the…

KM spewing massive clouds of disinformation to cover up defeats in Syria, Israel, Europe, South Korea etc.

Never have I seen as much disinformation and censorship in the Western information matrix as was spewed out last week by the Khazarian Mafia. They are trying to cover up a comprehensive defeat around the world. They have lost control of Syria, Israel, Europe, South Korea and many other countries around the world. They are…

Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video 12/13/2024

As with the weekly newsletters, we will also allow these Q&A videos to be released for free on Thursdays. Subscribers will be allowed to share the videos on social media or their own sites on Thursdays, but must use Rumble video embedding short code. The embedding code will become available on Rumble after the video is…