Special news bulletin: Israeli archaeologists discover major translation error in biblical end-times prophecies

By Benjamin Fulford (BSNewswire, April 1, 2019) — Israeli archaeologists have discovered a major translation error in biblical end-times prophesies that seem to indicate the end is near.

“Excavations of sites dating back to before the biblical Floods of Spam reveal that early prophets were unable to understand the meaning of a key word and replaced it with a guess as to its meaning,” says Dr. Yura Schmuck of the Israeli Institute of Digital Archaeology.”

The passage in question, from Revelation 13:17, reads, “No one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.”  The key mistranslation concerns the word “beast,” which in fact should be “visa,” Dr. Schmuck says.  The prophets examining the ancient biblical source code did not know what “visa” referred to, so they assumed it was a typographical error and guessed the word meant “beast,” he explains.

“If you substitute the word ‘visa’ for ‘beast,’ then suddenly it all makes sense and we can see the prophecy is coming true with the advent of digital cash,” he notes.

“This is complete and utter nonsense,” says Visa Inc. spokesperson Sey Tannick.  She notes that her company’s upcoming debt card microchip implant with “be initially introduced as an optional upgrade.”

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