Letters to the Editor 2/7/2022

“Benjamin, Clif High explains that the international bankers, (the Khazarian mafia), made a deal with the Chinese to move western wealth and productive capacity to China and cooperate in destroying the US economy and enslaving them. The banking center of the world would be located in China. China cooperated but cancelled the agreement recently because…

Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video Interview 02/04/2022

However, as with the weekly newsletters, we will also allow these Q&A videos to be released for free on Thursdays under the same guidelines as the newsletter. Please leave your questions for Ben in the comment section of this post and we will pick the most voted comments to answer! As always we appreciate and…

The Rockefeller “rules-based world order” circles the drain of history

Payback is a bitch. The Rockefeller clan, the greatest mass murderers in human history, are finally facing justice. Mass demonstrations across occupied Europe and now action by truckers in North America is a sign their satanic rule is collapsing. Today is January 31st, a payment deadline the Rockefellers have to make. All signs indicate their…

Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video Interview 01/28/2022

PLEASSE WAIT SEVERAL MINUTES FOR THE VIDEO TO ENCODE. THIS SHOULD NOT TAKE LONG. However, as with the weekly newsletters, we will also allow these Q&A videos to be released for free on Thursdays under the same guidelines as the newsletter. Please leave your questions for Ben in the comment section of this post and…