
Tensions rise between bloodlines and Illuminati as final showdown looms for U.S. corporate government

Global tensions are rising visibly, as the petrodollar-funded U.S. corporate government faces a January 18th start of gold-backed yuan-denominated oil trading, even while its still-unfunded January 31st payment deadline looms. One sign of this extreme tension came last week when “a missile from a cabal submarine was stopped from hitting Hawaii and the submarine was…


Did The Cabal Attempt To Nuke Hawaii Yesterday?

M:  The Zimbabwe dollar thing is a scam.  What my sources are telling me is that India, Russia, China, Indonesia, as well as Switzerland and the UK at least are backing a new gold-backed currency.  Trillions of dollars are not going to magically appear out of pieces of paper. I do not have firsthand knowledge…


Financial war may escalate into massive EMP attacks as final showdown looms

The ongoing war over the control of the financial system, and thus control over the future of the planet, is reaching a dangerous crescendo, multiple sources agree.  Most significantly, the U.S. military distracted world attention last week with a fake feud between U.S. President Donald Trump and his former consiglieri Steve Bannon while they used…


Happy New Year: Hundreds of top Khazarian mobsters, including the Bush family, renditioned to Gitmo

In a historic moment of poetic justice, most of the U.S.-based top perpetrators of the fake “war on terror” have now themselves been renditioned to the U.S. Navy camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Pentagon sources say.  “The Rothschild assets George Soros, Peter Munk, Peter Sutherland, the Bushes, the Podestas, and many others may have been…


Merry Christmas:  The 13 “Illuminati” bloodline families sue for peace

Peace on earth and goodwill to all (and not just men, but all life forms) is looking like a realistic goal for 2018 now that the 13 “Illuminati” * bloodline families, seeing their ancient rule of planet Earth collapsing, are suing for peace.  Last week a representative of the G7 (Germany, the U.K., the corporate…