Welcome back to Beyond Blue Beam! Today, we explore the vanished empire of Tartaria. Once a mighty nation with its own government and flag, Tartaria has been mysteriously erased from history’s pages. Join us as we uncover the secrets of its disappearance and reveal the forgotten legacy of this enigmatic land. Strap in for a journey through intrigue and deception unlike any other!
Queen Genepil the last queen of Tartaria. They love to show you the truth in entertainment. I think Star Wars depicts a lot of truths of the old world.
The absence of Marco Polo’s mention of the Great Wall of China raises intriguing questions. Could it be that a colossal barrier, the Great Wall of Tartaria, once stood in its place? Despite attempts to erase it from maps, traces of this ancient bulwark linger, challenging traditional narratives. As we delve deeper, the Great Wall of Tartaria emerges as a symbol of mystery, urging us to reconsider history’s truths.
Free energy devices still at work in Myanmar
(Burma, SE Asia)
It’s a shame what has been kept back from us. All in the name of profit and control for a select few.
Capturing plasma in a syringe, this is a good visual of how the aether was harnessed from the towers of the old-world buildings
In the labyrinth of hidden knowledge, David Bowie emerges as one of the select few privy to ancient wisdom from the old world. Among the elite, a clandestine understanding of a technology steeped in the manipulation of frequency and vibration reigns supreme. Nikola Tesla, a visionary on the brink of unravelling these cosmic secrets, paid the ultimate price for daring to illuminate the truth to humanity. From the ancient walls of Jericho to the enigmatic seismic phenomena echoing across the globe, echoes of this arcane power reverberate through the ages. As whispers of “The Black Noise” permeate the ethers, we stand on the precipice of uncovering a truth shrouded in mystery and obscured by the sands of time.
UFO videos for this week’s update:
1. A UFO was spotted hovering over South America, its presence shrouded in mystery. Date unknown, but the sighting sparks intrigue and speculation, inviting us to ponder the enigmas of the cosmos.
2. In Nayarit, Mexico, a woman captured footage of a possible UFO in 2024, adding a new chapter to the ongoing saga of unidentified aerial phenomena.
3. In the skies over Mexico in 2024, witnesses reported a peculiar sight: a strange-shaped unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) or perhaps just a balloon? The ambiguity of the encounter adds fuel to the ongoing debate surrounding aerial anomalies.
Closing out this weeks episode with the following video:
Do the space aliens actually control the financial system and possibly more from behind the curtains?
Please give us your thoughts and input on today’s update. You may also share more in the comments regarding Tartaria if you have some additional information.
End of Transmission>>>>>>>>>>

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