
Letter to the Editor – A Note on “Jewishness” and Zionism

Hello Ben, I read the complaint of the individual objecting to your use of the term “Jewish” in your description of events last week.  There is, I think, reason to differentiate carefully between the term “Jewish mafia” and the Italian Mafia.  They are not necessarily correct analogs. In the case of Jewish people, one awful…


Response to “Calling out Ben Fulford” by Anna von Reitz

http://www.paulstramer.net/2017/09/calling-out-ben-fulford.html It is a fact that the US has been getting stuff like cars and TVs and toys sent to it for 40 years and not paying for it. The Americans owe the money for all that stuff. On the other hand, it is also true the Americans transferred their industrial infrastructure to China and…