
Letter to the Editor – A Note on “Jewishness” and Zionism

Hello Ben,

I read the complaint of the individual objecting to your use of the term “Jewish” in your description of events last week.  There is, I think, reason to differentiate carefully between the term “Jewish mafia” and the Italian Mafia.  They are not necessarily correct analogs.

In the case of Jewish people, one awful risk they face, which apparently is largely unseen by many of them, is the Zionists.  The Zionists are the Jewish mafia, and it is apparent to me that they are hiding behind the Jewish religion as a front for their activities.

This places Jewish people in a terrible position of “shield.”  And in order for an entire people to serve as that shield, they often express strong belief in support of the Zionists, apparently not understanding that in no way does Zionism serve the Jewish religion.  I don’t think Italians have anywhere near this level of identification with their captors.

Just a thought.  As a friend to all people, I find this situation very aggravating, as any negative criticism of Zionism very often incites attacks decrying “anti-Semitism.”  (As you pointed out, a misnomer.)  Actually, most people identifying with Judaism today have nothing to do with Semites.  They’re effectively Khazarians filtered through European bloodlines.

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