Letters to the Editor
Hello Benjamin:
I am a subscriber and appreciate your contribution to current events. However, I am disturbed that today for the second time in a short period you have seen fit to include quotes from sources that use the term “Jewish” in a way that seems inaccurate and incendiary. I know there is indeed a Jewish mafia. But there is also an Italian mafia, and their behavior doesn’t get tied to their religion.
I appreciate your use of the term Khazarian, for example.
Yes, I am Jewish… a truth seeker… and very unhappy with Zionism, the situation in Israel, the treatment of Palestinians, and rationalization of such treatment. I agree the cabal and all of its engines need to be eliminated.
I am very happy to see the pedophile and sexual predator nightmare getting unveiled.
But just because so-called Jewish names are so easily identifiable, it is important to resist the superficial conclusion that having a Jewish name is part of the true problem. Let’s resolve to find the true roots of all of this sickness and change our world to leave that sickness behind.
I appreciate your use of the term “pseudo-Jewish” as well.
Thanks for your consideration.
First of all, please understand that my mother’s mother was Jewish and my father’s mother is Jewish, so technically that makes me Jewish, too, although I do not like the word Jew, which was created in the 17th century. My family was never ruled by the Torah or Talmud, but were atheists and thus forced to live within the ghettos in order to survive.
In any case, the reason “Jewish” appeared in that context in my report was because it was in a quote, and I felt it important to convey to readers the thinking of this source.
I have repeatedly explained to would-be anti-Semites (“Semite” is also a problematic term since it includes Arabs) that just because most members of the Mafia are Italian, it does not mean most Italians are Mafiosi. In the same way, while Jewish gangsters are all Jewish, most Jews are not gangsters.
Trust me, there is no way we will allow for innocent people to be hurt because of the actions of a few high-level criminals.
Sincerely yours,
Benjamin Fulford
Hi Ben,
Do you still insist there is a coalition between Russia and the USA fighting against ISIS in Syria? Every serious news talks about the war crimes the USA has been committing in Syria. Just take the recent bombing of Rakka and murdering of many innocent civilians. Or news claiming the Americans are saving senior ISIS leaders and taking them away from Deir es Zor at night together with their families. Or killing Russian General Asapov by the American spetsnaz. There has been no such thing as Russian-American coalition in the Middle East, unless you accept the fact the American army is badly split into the good guys and the bad guys, which is extremely dangerous. What do you say?
Hello Vlad,
It is a sad truth that Western mercenary armies working for oil companies and the Zionists have been doing very bad things in Syria and the region. The fact is the U.S. is bankrupt and needs to keep stealing oil in order to survive.
However, the people at the top of the U.S. military are now trying to do the right thing in my view, and at the very least they are determined not to let the Khazarians start World War 3.
The U.S. military did tell me they had a deal that Russia’s zone of influence was supposed to be to the west of the Euphrates and the American zone to the east of the Euphrates. I guess they felt the Russians broke that deal when they crossed east of the river. However, it is also a fact that the Americans are breaking international law by being in Syria in the first place.
I think a big meeting will be needed to determine once and for all how to divide up the oil and gas in the region. Also, of course, the rogue state of Israel needs to be forced to give up their plans for creating a greater Israel and instead do what international society has been asking them to do since 1967, and that is to reach a permanent peace deal with the Palestinians.
Sincerely yours,
Benjamin Fulford